CData Python Connector for SAP Concur ビュー
Name | Description |
Allocations | Lists all allocations per entry or report. |
BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes | Retrieve a list of all expense types belonging to a budget category. |
BudgetItems | Retrieve all budget items |
BudgetTrackingFields | Retrieve budget tracking fields information that is setup in budget configuration. |
CompanyCardTransactions | Retrieves the list of corporate or credit card charges that are available for use in expense reports. |
DigitalTaxInvoices | Gets all digital tax invoices that can be validated by the user based on the search criteria. |
ExpenseDelegators | Retrieves the list of users that have granted delegate permissions to you. |
ExpenseDetails | Retrieves the details of a Expense by specifying an ExpenseId |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationAttendeeTypes | Lists the Attendee Types of the Expense Group Configurations. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPaymentTypes | Lists the payment types of the Expense Group Configurations. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicies | Lists the policies of Expense Group Configurations. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicyExpenseTypes | Lists the expense types for the Expense Group Configuration Policies. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurations | Lists the configurations of expense groups. |
Expenses | Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report. |
FinancialTransactions | The request returns a list of financial documents that are ready to be processed. The request can include parameters to limit the results. |
FiscalPeriod | Retrieve a list of all fiscal periods |
FormCodes | Query the list of form codes. |
FormFields | Query all expense form fields. |
Forms | Query all expense forms. |
LocalizedData | List the localized strings of various codes. |
Locations | Retrieve details of locations that are used by Concur and that are valid at the company of the user. |
Notifications | Query all the notifications that have failed. |
Opportunities | Gets opportunities for a specified trip or for all trips that fall within a date range. |
PaymentBatches | Lists all the payment batches. |
PaymentRequestDigests | A payment request digest is a collection of summarized payment requests to invoice vendors. |
PurchaseRequests | Gets purchase request details. The supported mode is COMPACT, which returns basic info about the purchase request along with any exceptions. |
ReportComments | Read the comments entered on the expense report header, or the expenses of an existing expense report. |
ReportsV4 | Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report. |
TravelRequestComments | Get the list of comments for an existing Request |
TripBookingPassengers | Query all the bookings passengers for a trip. |
TripBookings | Query all the bookings for a trip. |
TripBookingSegmentCharges | Query all the charges for a trip. |
TripBookingSegments | Query all the bookings for a trip. |
TripBookingSegmentSeats | Query all the seats for a trip. |
Trips | Query all the trips. |
Users | Lists user data based on the search criteria. |
ValidExpenseTypes | Retrieve a list of all possible expense types that may be used in a budget category. |