CData Python Connector for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111




CData Python Connector for SAP Concur ビュー

Name Description
Allocations Lists all allocations per entry or report.
BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes Retrieve a list of all expense types belonging to a budget category.
BudgetItems Retrieve all budget items
BudgetTrackingFields Retrieve budget tracking fields information that is setup in budget configuration.
CompanyCardTransactions Retrieves the list of corporate or credit card charges that are available for use in expense reports.
DigitalTaxInvoices Gets all digital tax invoices that can be validated by the user based on the search criteria.
ExpenseDelegators Retrieves the list of users that have granted delegate permissions to you.
ExpenseDetails Retrieves the details of a Expense by specifying an ExpenseId
ExpenseGroupConfigurationAttendeeTypes Lists the Attendee Types of the Expense Group Configurations.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPaymentTypes Lists the payment types of the Expense Group Configurations.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicies Lists the policies of Expense Group Configurations.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicyExpenseTypes Lists the expense types for the Expense Group Configuration Policies.
ExpenseGroupConfigurations Lists the configurations of expense groups.
Expenses Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report.
FinancialTransactions The request returns a list of financial documents that are ready to be processed. The request can include parameters to limit the results.
FiscalPeriod Retrieve a list of all fiscal periods
FormCodes Query the list of form codes.
FormFields Query all expense form fields.
Forms Query all expense forms.
LocalizedData List the localized strings of various codes.
Locations Retrieve details of locations that are used by Concur and that are valid at the company of the user.
Notifications Query all the notifications that have failed.
Opportunities Gets opportunities for a specified trip or for all trips that fall within a date range.
PaymentBatches Lists all the payment batches.
PaymentRequestDigests A payment request digest is a collection of summarized payment requests to invoice vendors.
PurchaseRequests Gets purchase request details. The supported mode is COMPACT, which returns basic info about the purchase request along with any exceptions.
ReportComments Read the comments entered on the expense report header, or the expenses of an existing expense report.
ReportsV4 Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report.
TravelRequestComments Get the list of comments for an existing Request
TripBookingPassengers Query all the bookings passengers for a trip.
TripBookings Query all the bookings for a trip.
TripBookingSegmentCharges Query all the charges for a trip.
TripBookingSegments Query all the bookings for a trip.
TripBookingSegmentSeats Query all the seats for a trip.
Trips Query all the trips.
Users Lists user data based on the search criteria.
ValidExpenseTypes Retrieve a list of all possible expense types that may be used in a budget category.

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Build 24.0.9111