CData Python Connector for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


Query all the charges for a trip.



本製品 はSAP Concur API を使用して、TripId を参照するフィルタを処理します。本製品 はクライアント側で本製品 内で他のフィルタを処理します。 例えば、次のクエリはサーバー側で処理されます。

SELECT * FROM TripBookingSegmentCharges WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId'


Name Type Description
TripId [KEY] String The id of the trip.
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] String The record locator of the booking.
SegmentType [KEY] String The type of the segment.
ChargeType [KEY] String The type of the charge.
Amount String The total amount for the rate for the booking.
AllowanceAmount String The cost of overage fees when the allowance is exceeded.
Currency String The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total amount.
Description String The description for the rate.
IsPaid Boolean Whether the rate has been paid.
AllowanceIsUnlimited Boolean Whether the allowance is unlimited.
IsPrimary Boolean Indicates whether the charge is the Primary or Main rate.
NumUnits Integer The number of units expected for the charge. For instance, 3 days.
AllowanceNumUnits Integer The number of units for the allowance associated with the charge.
PerUnit String The unit of measure for the charge. Values represent rates like per DAY, WEEK, or MONTH.
AllowanceUnit String The unit of measure for the allowance associated with the charge.
SemanticsCode String Indicates the charge category for the line item.
SemanticsVendorType String The vendor type: H=Hotel, C=Car, A=Air, G=Ground, R=Rail
StartDateLocal Datetime The start date of the booking, in the user's local time.
Vendor String The vendor for the booking charge.
VendorChargeCode String The vendor's code for the charge
LoginId String The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

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Build 24.0.9111