API Data Provider - Online Help

SparkPost Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

SparkPost Tables

Name Description
ABTests An A/B test is a method of comparing templates to see which performs best.
ABTestsDraft Generating Draft of AB Tests.
AccountInformation Retrieve information regarding your SparkPost account and set account options.
Alerts Retrieve full information about a single or list of alert.
BatchStatusInformation Returns the status information for the batches that have been generated. Status information includes the successes of batches that previously failed to reach the webhook's target URL and batches that are currently in a failed state.
BounceClassificationMetrics Provides deliverability metrics, specific to bounce events, grouped by the domain and bounce reasons.
BounceReasonMetrics Provides deliverability metrics, specific to bounce events, grouped by the bounce classification.
BounceReasonMetricsByDomain Provides deliverability metrics, specific to bounce events, grouped by the domain and bounce reasons.
DelayReasonMetrics Provides deliverability metrics, specific to delay events, grouped by the delay reasons.
DelayReasonMetricsByDomain Provides deliverability metrics, specific to delay events, grouped by the domain and delay reasons.
DeliverabilityMetricsByCampaign Provides string metrics grouped by campaign over the time window specified.
DeliverabilityMetricsBySendingDomain Provides string metrics grouped by sending domain over the time window specified.
DeliverabilityMetricsBySendingIP.rsd This service does not define any meta-information (see the keyword rsb:info in RSBScript guide). Please encourage the administrator of this service to describe the API of this service. Simple meta-information not only clarifies the usage but also facilitates calling the service using software tools.
DeliverabilityMetricsBySubAccount Provides string metrics grouped by subaccount over the time window specified. Please note that master account events will be returned grouped by the subaccount_id field containing the value 0.
DeliverabilityMetricsByTemplate Provides string metrics grouped by template over the time window specified.
DeliverabilityMetricsByWatchedDomain Provides string metrics grouped by watched domain over the time window specified. The difference between domain and watched domain is that watched domains are comprised of the top 99% domains in the world.
DeliverabilityMetricsIPPool Provides string metrics grouped by IP pool over the time window specified.
DeliverabilityMetricsRecipientDomain Provides string metrics grouped by domain over the time window specified.
DeliverabilityMetricsSummary Provides high-level summary of string metrics and lists the child endpoints that contain string data, which can be used as group by qualifiers.
DeliveriesByAttempt Provides string count of deliveries grouped by the attempt number.
EngagementDetails Provides deliverability metrics, specific to engagement events (clicks/opens), grouped by the link name (or URL if no link name exists).
EventsDocumentation Returns a list of descriptions of the event fields that could be included in a response from the message events search. Fields will vary by event type.
EventsSamples Returns an example message event for each event type listed in the events parameter.
InBoundDomains Returns an array with all your inbound domains.
IPPools Returns a list of all your IP Pools.
ListCampaigns Returns a list of IP pools that the Metrics API contains data on.
ListDomains Returns a list of IP pools that the Metrics API contains data on.
ListIPPools Returns a list of IP pools that the Metrics API contains data on.
ListSendingIPs Returns a list of sending IPs that the Metrics API contains data on.
ListSubAccounts Subaccounts are a way for you to provision and manage senders separately from each other, and to provide assets and reporting data for each of them.
MetricsDiscoverabilityLinks The Metrics API is designed for discoverability of child links. Calling the API root displays a list of URIs that exists within the Metrics API.
RecipientEmail A sending domain is a domain that is used to indicate who an email is from via the From: header
RecipientLists The Recipient List API operates on lists as a whole and does not currently support management of individual recipients.
RecipientValidation A sending domain is a domain that is used to indicate who an email is from via the From: header
RejectionReasonMetrics Provides deliverability metrics, specific to rejection events, grouped by the rejection reasons.
RejectionReasonMetricsByDomain Provides deliverability metrics, specific to rejection events, grouped by the domain and rejection reasons.
RelayWebhooks List all your relay webhooks.
ScheduledTransmissions Returns details about a scheduled transmission.
SearchForListEntries A suppression list, also known as an exclusion list, stores a recipient's opt-out preferences.
SearchForMessageEvents Search Events based on type.
SendingDomain A sending domain is a domain that is used to indicate who an email is from via the From: header
SendingDomains A sending domain is a domain that is used to indicate who an email is from via the From: header
SendingIPs Returns a list of all sending IPs.
Snippets Snippets are short reusable pieces of email content
SubAccount Subaccounts are a way for you to provision and manage senders separately from each other, and to provide assets and reporting data for each of them.
SubAccountsSummary Subaccounts are a way for you to provision and manage senders separately from each other, and to provide assets and reporting data for each of them.
Suppression A suppression list, also known as an exclusion list, stores a recipient's opt-out preferences.
SuppressionListSummary Returns the total number of suppressions for your account, as well as a break down of suppressions by source.
Templates Templates are a way to store and edit email content.
TimeSeriesMetrics Provides deliverability metrics ordered by a precision of time.
TrackingDomains Tracking domains are used in engagement tracking to report email opens and link clicks.
WebhookEventSamples Returns an example of the event data that will be posted by a webhook for the specified events.
WebhookEventsDocumentation Returns a list of descriptions of the events, event types, and event fields that could be included in a webhooks batches to your target URL.
Webhooks Returns a list of all your webhooks.

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