Procore Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Procore Tables
Name | Description |
AccidentLogs | Returns all Accident Logs for the current date. |
ActualProductionQuantities | Return a list of all Actual Production Quantities for a specified Project. |
AdminEquipmentLogs | Returns all Equipment Logs for the current date. |
BidBoardProjects | Return a list of Bid Board projects associated with a specific Company. |
Bids | Return a list of your assigned Bids within a Company. |
BillingPeriods | Return a list of all Billing Periods of a specified Project. |
BudgetChangeAdjustmentLineItems | Return adjustment and adjustment line items of a project. |
BudgetedProductionQuantities | Return a list of all Budgeted Production Quantities for a specified Project. |
CallLogs | Returns all Call Logs for the current date. |
Companies | Returns all companies. |
CompanyFolders | Return a list of Folders and Files associated with a specific Company. |
CompanyInactivePeople | Return a list of People associated with a Company. Includes users in the directory and reference users. |
CompanyInactiveUsers | Return a list of all Inactive Users associated with a Company. |
CompanyInactiveVendors | Return a list of all Inactive Vendors associated with a Company. |
CompanyInsurances | Return a list of all Insurances associated with the specified Company. |
CompanyOffices | Returns a collection of Offices associated to a Company. |
CompanyPeople | Return a list of People associated with a Company. Includes users in the directory and reference users. |
CompanyPermissionTemplates | Returns the Permission Template names and IDs for the specified Company. |
CompanyUsers | Return a list of all Users associated with a Company. |
CompanyVendors | Return a list of all Vendors associated with a Company. |
CostCatalogs | Return a list of cost catalogs associated with a specific Company. |
CostCodes | Return a list of Cost Codes. |
CostItems | Return a list of cost items associated with a specific Company. |
Crews | Return a list of all Crews with details for a specified Project. |
DailyConstructionReportLogs | Returns all approved Daily Construction Report Logs for the current date. |
DelayLogs | Returns all Delay Logs for the current date. |
Departments | Return a list of Departments. |
DirectCosts | Returns a list of all Direct Cost Items for a Project. |
Equipment | Return a list of all Equipment with details for a specified company. |
EquipmentCategories | Return a list of all equipment Categories.. |
EquipmentLogs | Return a list of all equipment Logs for the projects the current user has access to. |
EquipmentMaintenanceLogs | Return a list of all Equipment Maintenance Logs. |
EquipmentMakes | Return a list of all equipment makes. |
EquipmentModels | Return a list of all equipment models. |
EquipmentTypes | Return a list of all equipment types. |
FieldProductionReport | Returns an array calculated production rates across cost codes with an associated Budgeted Production Quantity |
Incidents | Returns a list of Incidents for a given project. |
Injuries | Returns a list of Injuries for a given project. |
Locations | Return a list of Locations associated with a Project. |
MeetingDetails | Returns detailed information about a Meeting in a specified Project. |
Meetings | Returns a list of all Meetings for a specified Project. |
ObservationsAssigneeOptions | Returns Users that the current User can assign to Observations. |
Programs | Return a list of Programs associated to the specified Company. |
ProjectBidTypes | Return a list of Project Bid Types. |
ProjectDocumentCustomTags | Return a list of Document Custom Tags for a specified Project |
ProjectEquipment | Return a list of all Equipment with details for a specified project. |
ProjectEquipmentLogs | Return a list of all equipment Logs for the projects the current user has access to. |
ProjectEquipmentMaintenanceLogs | Return a list of all Equipment Maintenance Logs. |
ProjectInactivePeople | Return a list of People associated with a Project. Includes users in the directory and reference users. |
ProjectInactiveUsers | Return a list of all Inactive Users associated with a Project. |
ProjectInactiveVendors | Return a list of all Inactive Vendors associated with a Project. |
ProjectInsurances | Return a list of all Insurances associated with the specified Project. |
ProjectOwnerTypes | Return a list of Project Owner Types. |
ProjectPeople | Return a list of People associated with a Project. Includes users in the directory and reference users. |
ProjectPermissionTemplates | Returns the Permission Template names and IDs for the specified Project. |
ProjectRegions | Return a list of Project Regions. |
ProjectRoles | Return a list of all relationships between Users and Roles in a specified Project. |
Projects | Return a list of Projects. |
ProjectStages | Return a list of Project Stages. |
ProjectTaskItems | Returns a list of task items on a given project. |
ProjectTemplates | Return a list of Project Templates that are available to utilize for Project creation. |
ProjectTools | Returns all Tools available to the provided Project. |
ProjectTypes | Returns a list of Project Types associated with a specified Company. |
ProjectUsers | Return a list of all Users associated with a Project. |
ProjectVendors | Return a list of all Vendors associated with a Project. |
PurchaseOrderContractLineItems | Return a list of all Purchase Order Contract Line Items. |
PurchaseOrderContracts | Returns a list of all Purchase Order Contracts. |
Requisitions | Return a list of Requisitions (Subcontractor Invoices) for a project. |
Roles | Return a list of roles for a company. |
StandardCostCodeLists | Return a list of all Standard Cost Code Lists at the Company level. |
StandardCostCodes | Return a list of all Standard Cost Codes in a specified Standard Cost Code list. |
Subjobs | Return a list of all Sub Jobs in a specified Project. |
SubmittalStatuses | Return a list of all Submittal Statuses from a specified Company.. |
TaskItemsAssigneeOptions | Returns Users that the current User can assign to Task Items. |
Tasks | List existing tasks for the specified Project. |
Timesheets | Return a list of all Timesheets for a specified Project. |
Trades | Return a list of all Trades associated with a Company. |
WorkflowActivityHistory | Return a list of activities performed for a workflow instance. |
WorkflowInstances | Return a list of workflow instances for a workflow. Any resource using workflow should have a workflow instance. |
WorkLogs | Returns all Work Logs for the current date. |
WorkOrderContractLineItems | Return a list of all Line Items of a specified Work Order Contract in a specified Project. |
WorkOrderContracts | Return a list of all Work Order Contracts of a specified Project. |