API Data Provider - Online Help

Pingdom Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Pingdom Tables

Name Description
Actions Returns a list of actions (alerts) that have been generated for your account.
Analysis Returns a list of the latest root cause analysis results for a specified check.
Checks Returns a list overview of all checks.
Contacts Returns a list of all contacts with their contact methods (notification targets)
Credits Returns information about remaining checks, SMS credits and SMS auto-refill status.
DetailedCheckDns Returns a detailed description of a Dns check.
DetailedCheckHttp Returns a detailed description of a Http check.
DetailedCheckHttpCustom Returns a detailed description of a Http custom check.
DetailedCheckImap Returns a detailed description of a Imap check.
DetailedCheckPop3 Returns a detailed description of a Pop3 check.
DetailedCheckSmtp Returns a detailed description of a Smtp check.
DetailedCheckTcp Returns a detailed description of a Tcp check.
DetailedCheckUdp Returns a detailed description of a Udp check.
MaintenanceOccurrences Returns a list of maintenance occurrences.
MaintenanceWindows Returns a list of user's maintenance windows.
Probes Returns a list of all Pingdom probe servers for Uptime and Transaction checks.
Reference Get a reference of regions, timezones and date/time/number formats and their identifiers.
Results Return a list of raw test results for a specified check
SummaryDayPerformance For a given interval in time, return a list of sub intervals with the day resolution. Useful for generating graphs.
SummaryHourPerformance For a given interval in time, return a list of sub intervals with the hour resolution. Useful for generating graphs.
SummaryHoursOfDay Returns the average response time for each hour of the day (0-23) for a specific check over a selected time period. I.e. it shows you what an average day looks like during that time period.
SummaryOutage Get a list of status changes for a specified check and time period. If order is speficied to descending, the list is ordered by newest first. (Default is ordered by oldest first.)
SummaryProbes Get a list of probes that performed tests for a specified check during a specified period.
SummaryResponseTime Get the average time / uptime value for a specified check and time period.
SummaryWeekPerformance For a given interval in time, return a list of sub intervals with the week resolution. Useful for generating graphs.
Teams Returns a list of all teams and their members
TmsChecks Returns a list overview of all transaction checks.
Traceroute Returns a traceroute to a specified target from a specified Pingdom probe.

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