API Data Provider - Online Help

Using the Profile in Excel

The add-in adds controls to the Excel ribbon, standard Excel formulas, and VBA classes for writing macros.

Configure a Connection Profile

Click From API to launch the connection dialog. Here, you can set the connection settings, including the Profile and ProfileSetting connection properties, test the connection, and save the connection profile. The profile enables you to control the following for a connection:

  • Workbook Sharing

    Select the Store in Workbook option to create easy-to-share spreadsheets. By default, the provider saves the connection to an .rdc file in the CData subfolder in the %APPDATA% folder.

Building an SQL SELECT Query

After Establishing a Connection, select tables, columns, and filters -- as you make changes, the add-in generates the underlying SELECT query. Edit the query directly to execute joins, aggregations, or more complex SELECT Statements.

  1. Click "From API" from the CData ribbon to open the Data Selection wizard.
  2. In the Connection menu, select a connection or select the option to create a new connection.
  3. Select a table to start building the query. You can define filters, column aliases, and a limit on the records to return.

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