API Data Provider - Online Help

Mouseflow Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Mouseflow Tables

Name Description
FeedbackCampaigns Retrieve the list of Feedback Campaigns.
Forms Retrieve the list of forms.
Funnels Retrieve the list of funnels.
HeatmapPagesList Retrieve the list of pages, including visitor statistics.
PageUrlList Retrieve the list of tags used on a website.
RecordingDetails Retrieve details of a recording, including each recorded pageviews.
Recordings Retrieve the latest recordings in the specified website.
Tags Retrieve the list of tags used on a website.
Variables Retrieve the list of variable keys used on a website.
WebsiteDetails Retrieve details about one website.
Websites Retrieve all available websites in the account.

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