API Data Provider - Online Help

Invoiced Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Invoiced Tables

Name Description
Coupons Retrieves all coupons.
CreditNoteAttachments Retrieves all attachments for a specific credit note.
CreditNoteItems Retrieves all line items for a specific credit note.
CreditNotes Retrieves all credit notes.
CustomerBalance Retrieves the customer's current credit balance, credit balance history, and the current amount outstanding.
CustomerContacts Retrieves all contacts for a specific customer.
CustomerNotes Retrieves all notes associated with a customer.
CustomerPaymentSources Retrieves payment sources associated with a specific customer.
Customers Retrieves all customers.
EstimateAttachments Retrieves all attachments for a specific estimate.
EstimateItems Retrieves all line items for a specific estimate.
Estimates Retrieves all estimates.
InvoiceAttachments Retrieves all attachments for a specific invoice.
InvoiceItems Retrieves all line items for a specific invoice.
InvoiceNotes Retrieves all notes associated with an invoice.
InvoicePaymentPlan Retrieves the payment plan for a given invoice.
Invoices Retrieves all invoices.
Items Retrieves all items.
Notes Retrieves all notes.
PendingLineItems Retrieves all pending line items.
Plans Retrieves all plans.
Subscriptions Retrieves all subscriptions.
Tasks Retrieves all tasks.
TaxRates Retrieves all tax rates.
Transactions Retrieves all transactions.

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