API Data Provider - Online Help

Elorus Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Elorus Tables

Name Description
BillAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified bill.
BillItems Retrieves items for a single bill.
Bills Retrieves a list of all bills.
ContactAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified contact.
Contacts Retrieves a list of all contacts.
CreditNoteAppliedCredit Retrieves item for a single credit note.
CreditNoteAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified credit note.
CreditNoteItems Retrieves item for a single credit note.
CreditNotes Retrieves a list of all credit notes.
DocumentTypes Retrieves the list of document types.
EstimateAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified estimate.
EstimateItems Retrieves items for a single estimate.
Estimates Retrieves a list of all estimates.
IncomingCheques Retrieves the list of incoming cheques.
InvoiceAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified invoice.
InvoiceItems Retrieves items for a single invoice.
Invoices Retrieves a list of all invoices.
Organization Retrieves details about the organization.
OrganizationRoles Retrieves the list of custom roles.
OrganizationSettings Retrieves the application settings.
OutgoingCheques Retrieves the list of outgoing cheques.
PaymentGateways Retrieves the list of payment gateways.
PaymentReceivedAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified payment received.
PaymentSentAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified payment sent.
PaymentsReceived Retrieves the list of payments received.
PaymentsSent Retrieves the list of payments sent.
Products Retrieves a list of all products/services.
ProductStockAdjustments Retrieves the list of stock adjustments.
ProductStockHistory Returns the complete list of stock changes for the specified product / service.
RecurringBillItems Retrieves items for a single recurring bill.
RecurringBills Retrieves a list of recurring bills.
RecurringInvoiceItems Retrieves items for a single recurring invoice.
RecurringInvoices Retrieves a list of all recurring invoices.
RecurringPaymentsReceived Retrieves a list of recurring payments received.
Reminders Retrieves a list of all reminders.
SalesSeries Retrieves the list of sales numbering sequences.
CreditNoteAppliedCredit Retrieves the list of credit applied to bills.
SupplierCreditAttachments Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified supplier credit.
SupplierCredits Retrieves a list of supplier credits. Supplier credits typically represent credit notes that you receive from suppliers.
Taxes Retrieves the list of taxes.
Templates Retrieves the list of templates.
TrackingCategories Retrieves the list of tracking categories.
UserProfile Retrieves user profile.
Users Retrieves the list of custom roles.

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