API Data Provider - Online Help

ClickUp Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

ClickUp Tables

Name Description
AuthorizedUser Returns the user that belongs to this token.
FolderlessLists Returns folderless lists for a specific space
Folders Returns folders for a specific space
FolderViews Returns views for a specific folder
Goals Returns goals for a specific team
ListComments Returns list comments.
ListCustomFields Returns list custom fields.
ListMembers Returns list members.
Lists Returns lists for a specific folder
ListViews Returns views for a specific list
Spaces Returns for a specific team
SpaceTags Returns space tags.
SpaceViews Returns views for a specific space
TaskComments Returns task comments.
TaskMembers Returns task members.
Tasks Returns tasks for a specific list
TaskTemplates Returns task templates
TaskTimeInStatus Get task's time in status
Teams Returns teams for the account.
TeamTasks Returns tasks for a specific team
TeamViews Returns views for a specific team
TimeEntries Returns time within a specified date range
TrackedTime Returns tracked time for a specific task
Users Returns all users of the team.
ViewComments Returns view comments.
ViewTasks Returns view tasks
Webhooks Returns webhools for a specific team

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