Chargebee Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Chargebee Tables
Name | Description |
Addons | Retrieves all your current active and archived addons. |
Comments | Retrieve the list of comments sorted by the recent ones on the top. |
CouponCodes | List the available coupon codes. |
Coupons | Retrieves all available coupons. |
CouponSets | List the available coupon sets. |
CreditNotes | Lists all the Credit Notes. |
CustomerContacts | Retrieves contacts for a specific customer |
Customers | Retrieves the list of customers. |
Events | Retrieves list of events. Only events that are less than 90 days old will be retrieved. |
Gifts | Retrieves the list of gifts. |
InvoiceLineItems | Retrieves all line items for a specific invoice. |
InvoicePayments | Retrieves the payments for an invoice with the recent ones on top. This returns all the payment attempts(manual & automatic) made for this invoice. |
Invoices | Retrieves the list of invoices. |
Orders | Retrieves the list of orders. |
PaymentSources | Lists all the payment sources. |
Plans | Retrieves all the active and archived plans. |
PromotionalCredits | Retrieves the list of promotioal credits. |
QuoteLineGroups | Retrieves all the quote line groups and lineitems for a quote.. |
Quotes | Retrieves all quotes. |
SiteMigrationDetails | List site migration details. |
SubscriptionContractTerms | Retrieves a list of contract term resources for a specific subscription |
Subscriptions | Retrieves the list of subscriptions. |
SubscriptionWithScheduledChanges | Retrieves a subscription with the scheduled changes applied. |
Transactions | Lists all the transactions. |
UnbilledCharges | Lists all the unbilled charges. |
VirtualBankAccounts | Lists all the virtual bank accounts. |