API Data Provider - Online Help

Campaigner Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Campaigner Tables

Name Description
ActiveCampaigns Retrieves a list of all active campaigns (not deleted).
ActiveSubscribers Retrieves a list of all active subscribers.
AllCampaigns Retrieves a list of all campaigns regardless of their status (this includes deleted campaigns).
CampaignClicks Retrieves a list of all the recipients that clicked on a tracked link in the campaign.
CampaignComplaints Retrieves a list of all the recipients that complained about this campaign.
CampaignDetails Retrieves a details about a given campaign.
CampaignHardBounces Retrieves a list of all the emails that hard bounced.
CampaignLinkClicks Retrieves a list of all the recipients that clicked on a specific link in the campaign.
CampaignLinks Retrieves an array of TrackedLink object.
CampaignOpens Retrieves a list of all the recipients that opened the campaign.
CampaignRecipients Retrieves a list of recipients of a given campaign.
CampaignRemoves Retrieves a list of all the recipients that clicked the remove link in the campaign.
CampaignSoftBounces Retrieves a list of all the emails that soft bounced.
Categories Retrieves a list of all relay send categories.
ComplainedSubscribers Retrieves all subscribers that have complained from your account.
Creatives Retrieves a list of all active creatives.
CreativesFolders Retrieves a list of all creative folder objects.
Databasecolumns Retrieves all database columns.
DraftCampaigns Retrieves a list of all draft campaigns.
FilterMembers Retrieves a list of all active subcribers associated with a filter.
Filters Retrieves a list of filters.
ListMembers Retrieves all active subcribers associated with a list.
Lists Retrieves all lists.
OrderItems Retrieves a list of all order items within your account.
Orders Retrieves a list of all orders within your account.
ProductCategories Retrieves a list of all products in your account.
Products Retrieves a list of all products in your account.
PublicationMembers Retrieves a list of all active subcribers associated with a publication.
Publications Retrieves a list of publications.
RemovedSubscribers Retrieves all subscribers that have permanently removed from your account.
ScheduledCampaigns Retrieves a list of all campaigns that are scheduled.
SentCampaigns Retrieves a list of all sent campaigns.
Sources Retrieves a list of all sources.
SubscriberHistory Retrieves current subscriber history.
SubscriberProperties Retrieves current subscriber properties.
SuppressionLists Retrieves a list of all the suppressions.
WorkflowMembers Retrieves a list of all active subcribers associated with a workflow.
Workflows Retrieves a list of workflows.
WorkflowStats Retrieves statistics associated with a workflow.

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