API Data Provider - Online Help

Billsby Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Billsby Tables

Name Description
AddonDetails Retrieves the details of a specific add-on.
Addons Retrieves a list of all the add-ons associated with your company.
AllowanceDetails Retrieves the details of a specific allowance.
Allowances Retrieves a list of all the allowances associated with your company.
CompanyCreditNotes Retrieves a list of all your company's credit notes.
CompanyInvoices Retrieves a list of your company's invoices.
CustomerCreditNotes Retrieves individual customer's credit notes.
CustomerDetails Retrieves a list of all the details held for individual customers in your account.
CustomerInvoices Retrieves individual customer's invoices.
Customers Retrieves all customers.
CustomerSubscriptions Retrieves individual customer's subscriptions using the unique identifier provided in the Billsby platform.
CustomFields Retrieves a list of all custom fields you have configured in your company.
CustomFieldsResponse Retrieves the answer that customers gave to questions for custom fields associated with a particular product.
InvoiceDetails Retrieves a list of all the details held for individual invoices in your account.
ProductPlans Retrieves a list of plans associated with a specific product.
Products Retrieves all products.
SubscriptionAddons Retrieves information on the add-ons attached to a specific subscription.
SubscriptionAllowances Retrieves information on the allowances attached to a specific subscription.
SubscriptionLogs Retrieves the event logs of a subscription.
Subscriptions Retrieves all of the subscriptions in your account.
SubscriptionShippingAddress Retrieves the shipping address information associated with a subscription.
SubscriptionTags Retrieves a list of feature tags in a subscription.
SubscriptionTagsSplit Retrieves the feature tags associated with a plan, as well as the feature tags associated with the subscription.

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