API Data Provider - Online Help

ZohoProjects Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

ZohoProjects Tables

Name Description
BugActivities Returns all the activities for the given bug.
BugAttachments Returns details of attachments for a bug.
BugComments Returns comments for the bug.
BugCustomViews Returns customviews for bugs..
BugFollowers Returns list of followers for the bug.
BugResolution Returns bug's resolution.
Bugs Returns all the bugs in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks.
BugTimelogs Returns the time logs under a specific bug.
Events Returns all the events in the given project.
Folders Returns all the folders from the project specified.
Forums Returns all the forums in the given project.
Layouts Returns the list of all the task layouts available in your portal.
Milestones Returns all the milestones in the given project.
MyBugs Returns all the bugs created by you or assigned to you.
MyTaskCustomViews Returns all the task custom views that you own.
MyTasks Returns all your tasks in the portal.
MyTimelogs Returns the time logs of all users or specific users.
Portals Returns all the portals for the logged in user.
PortalUsers Returns the details of all users in a specific portal.
ProjectActivities Returns all the recent activities of the project.
ProjectCustomFields Returns all the project custom fields.
ProjectGroups Returns all the project groups.
Projects Returns all the portals for the logged in user.
ProjectStatuses Returns the statuses for the given project.
ProjectUsers Returns the details of all the users in a specific project.
Subtasks Returns all the subtasks of the given task.
Tags Returns all the tags present in a specific portal.
TaskActivities Returns the details of who modified a specific task and when.
TaskAttachments Returns details of attachments associated to the task.
TaskComments Returns all the task comments.
TaskCustomViews Returns all the task custom views.
Tasklists Returns all the tasklists in the given project.
TasklistTasks Returns all the tasks in the given tasklist.
Tasks Returns all the tasks in the given project. It fetches only the main tasks and not the subtasks.
TaskTimelogs Returns the time logs under a specific task.
Timelogs Returns all the time logs in the given project.

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