Messagebird Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Messagebird Tables
Name | Description |
Balance | Retrieve your balance. |
CallFlows | Retrieve a listing of all call flows. |
Calls | Retrieve a listing of all calls. |
ContactGroups | Retrieve a listing of all groups that a given contact is associated with. |
ContactMessages | Retrieve a listing of all messages that a given contact is associated with. |
Contacts | Retrieve a listing of all contacts. |
ConversationEmailReporting | Retrieve converstion email reports. |
ConversationMessageReporting | Retrieve converstion message reports. |
ConversationMessages | Retrieves all conversation messages. |
Conversations | Retrieves all conversations for your account. |
FlowReporting | Retrieve flow reports. |
GroupContacts | Retrieve a listing of all contacts that belongs to a given group. |
Groups | Retrieve a listing of all groups. |
HlrMessages | Retrieve Hlr messages. |
Legs | Retrieve a listing of all legs. |
LookupHlr | Retrieves the information of an existing HLR. |
LookupPhoneNumber | Look up a mobile number. |
MmsMessages | Retrieve mms messages. |
PhoneNumbersSearch | Search for local, toll-free and mobile phone numbers that are available for you to purchase. |
PurchasedNumbers | Retrieve a list of all your purchased phone numbers. |
Recordings | Retrieve a listing of all Recordings. |
SmsMessages | Retrieve the accounts collection. |
SmsReporting | Retrieve sms reports. |
Transcriptions | Retrieve a listing of all transcriptions. |
VoiceMessages | Retrieve a listing of all voice messages. |
VoiceReporting | Retrieve call reports. |
VoiceWebhooks | Retrieve a listing of all voice webhooks. |