API Data Provider - Online Help

LionDesk Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

LionDesk Tables

Name Description
CampaignActions Returns a list of campaign action objects.
Campaigns Returns campaigns that were either created by the user or shared by the user's broker
ContactAddresses Returns a list of contact addresses for a specific contact.
ContactCommunications Returns a list of contact comunications objects.
Contacts Returns all contacts
CustomFields Returns custom fields
EventProperties Returns properties for a specific event. Event Properties can only be associated with Events that have a source: api.
Events Returns a list of events.
Hotnesses Returns hotnesses
Sources Returns contact sources
SubAccounts Returns a list of sub-accounts.
Tags Returns a list of tags.
Tasks Returns a list of tasks. Tasks can only be retrieved if the querying user is the owner/creator of that task.
TeamMembers Returns a list of team members.
Teams Returns a list of teams.
TemplateFolders Returns a list of template folders.
Templates Returns a list of templates.
Users Returns a list of template folders.

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