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LightSpeedRetail Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

LightSpeedRetail Tables

Name Description
Account Returns the Lightspeed Retail account associated with your access token.
CalendarVendorItems Returns all calendar vendor items.
Categories Retrieve a list of all categories from this account
CCCharges Returns all credit card charges.
CreditAccounts Retrieve a list of all credit accounts in the account.
Customers Retrieve a list of all customers in the account.
CustomerTypes Retrieve a list of all customer types in the account.
DiscountByDaysReport Retrieve a list of discount by days.
Discounts Retrieve a list of all discounts in the account.
EmployeeHours Retrieve a list of all employee hours in the account.
Employees Retrieve a list of all employees in the account.
Industries Retrieve a list of all industries available for the account.
InventoryCountCalculations Retrieve a list of all inventory count calculations in the account.
InventoryCountItems Retrieve a list of all inventory count items in the account.
InventoryCountReconciles Retrieve a list of all inventory count reconciles in the account.
InventoryCounts Retrieve a list of all inventory counts in the account.
InventoryLogs Retrieve a list of all inventory logs in the account.
ItemAttributeSets Retrieve all item attributes sets in the account.
ItemCustomFieldChoices Retrieve a list of all item custom field choices.
ItemCustomFields Retrieve a list of all item custom fields.
ItemMatrix Retrieve all item matrix for this account.
Items Retrieve a list of all items in the account.
Manufacturers Retrieve a list of all manufacturers.
OrderCustomFieldChoices Retrieve a list of all order custom field choices.
OrderCustomFields Retrieve a list of all orfer custom fields.
OrderLines Retrieve a list of all order lines in the account.
Orders Retrieve a list of all orders in the account.
OrdersByTaxClassReport Retrieve orders by tax class.
PaymentsByDayReport Retrieve list of payments by day.
PaymentTypes Retrieve a list of all payment types in the account.
PriceLevels Retrieve a list of all price levels in the account.
Quotes Retrieve a list of all quotes in the account.
RegisterCalculations Retrieve a list of all register calculations.
RegisterCountAmounts Retrieve a list of all register count amounts.
RegisterCounts Retrieve a list of all registers counts.
Registers Retrieve a list of all registers in the account.
RegisterWithdraws Retrieve a list of all registers withdraws.
SaleLines Retrieve a list of all sale lines in the account.
SalePayments Retrieve a list of all sale payments in the account.
Sales Retrieve a list of all sales in the account.
SaleSaleLines Retrieve a list of all sale's sale lines.
SalesVoid Retrieve a list of all sales void in the account.
SerialNumbers Retrieve a list of all serial numbers in the account.
Sessions Retrieve a list of all sessions of this account.
ShipsTo Retrieve a list of all ships to in the account
Shops Retrieve a list of all shops in the account
SpecialOrders Retrieve a list of all special orders.
Tags Retrieve a list of tags in the account.
TaxCategories Retrieve a list of all tax categories.
TaxClasses Retrieve a list of all tax classes in the account.
TaxClassSalesByDayReport Retrieve a list of tax class sales by day
TaxesByDayReport Retrieve a list of taxes by day
TransferItems Retrieve a list of all transfer items for a specific transfer.
Transfers Retrieve a list of all transfers in the account.
Vendors Retrieve a list of all vendors in the account.
WorkorderItems Retrieve a list of all workorder items in the account.
WorkorderLines Retrieve a list of all workorder lines in the account.
Workorders Retrieve a list of all workorders in the account.
WorkorderStatuses Retrieve a list of all workorder statuses in the account.

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Build 23.0.8839.0