Infusionsoft Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Infusionsoft Tables
Name | Description |
Account | Retrieves profile/company info for an account. |
AffiliateClawbacks | Retrieves a list of all affiliate clawbacks. |
AffiliateModel | Get the custom fields for the Affiliate object. |
AffiliatePayments | Retrieves a list of all affiliate payments. |
AffiliateRedirects | Retrieves a list of all affiliate redirects. |
Affiliates | Retrieves a list of all affiliates. |
AffiliateSummaries | Retrieve a list of affiliate summaries. |
AppointmentModel | Get the custom fields for the Appointment object. |
Appointments | Retrieves all appointments for the authenticated user. |
Campaigns | Retrieves all campaigns for the authenticated user. |
CommissionPrograms | Retrieve a list of Commission Programs. |
Commissions | Retrieve a list of Commissions based on Affiliate or Date Range. |
Companies | Retrieves a list of all companies. |
CompanyModel | Get the custom fields for the Company object. |
ContactCreditCards | List all Credit Cards on a contact |
ContactEmails | List Emails that have been sent to a Contact |
ContactModel | Get the custom fields for the Contact object. |
Contacts | Retrieves a list of all contacts. |
ContactTags | Retrieves a list of tags applied to a given contact |
CurrentUser | Retrieves information for the current authenticated end-user. |
Emails | Retrieve a list of emails that have been sent. |
Files | Retrieve a list of all files. |
Merchants | Retrieves a list of all merchant accounts. |
NoteModel | Get the custom fields for the Note object. |
Notes | Retrieves a list of all notes |
Opportunities | Retrieves a list of all opportunities. |
OpportunityModel | Get the custom fields for the Opportunity object. |
OrderItems | Retrieves a list of order items for a given order. |
OrderPayments | Retrieves a list of payments made against a given order. |
Orders | Retrieves a list of all orders. |
OrderTransactions | Retrieves a list transactions for a given order. |
Products | Retrieves a list of all products. |
SubscriptionModel | Get the custom fields for the Subscription object. |
Subscriptions | Retrieves a list of all subscriptions. |
TaggedCompanies | Retrieves a list of companies that have the given tag applied. |
TaggedContacts | Retrieves a list of contacts that have the given tag applied. |
Tags | Retrieve a list of tags defined in the application |
TaskModel | Get the custom fields for the Task object. |
Tasks | Retrieves a list of all tasks. |
Transactions | Retrieves a list transactions for a given contact. |
Users | Retrieves a list of all users. |