API Data Provider - Online Help

Infusionsoft Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Infusionsoft Tables

Name Description
Account Retrieves profile/company info for an account.
AffiliateClawbacks Retrieves a list of all affiliate clawbacks.
AffiliateModel Get the custom fields for the Affiliate object.
AffiliatePayments Retrieves a list of all affiliate payments.
AffiliateRedirects Retrieves a list of all affiliate redirects.
Affiliates Retrieves a list of all affiliates.
AffiliateSummaries Retrieve a list of affiliate summaries.
AppointmentModel Get the custom fields for the Appointment object.
Appointments Retrieves all appointments for the authenticated user.
Campaigns Retrieves all campaigns for the authenticated user.
CommissionPrograms Retrieve a list of Commission Programs.
Commissions Retrieve a list of Commissions based on Affiliate or Date Range.
Companies Retrieves a list of all companies.
CompanyModel Get the custom fields for the Company object.
ContactCreditCards List all Credit Cards on a contact
ContactEmails List Emails that have been sent to a Contact
ContactModel Get the custom fields for the Contact object.
Contacts Retrieves a list of all contacts.
ContactTags Retrieves a list of tags applied to a given contact
CurrentUser Retrieves information for the current authenticated end-user.
Emails Retrieve a list of emails that have been sent.
Files Retrieve a list of all files.
Merchants Retrieves a list of all merchant accounts.
NoteModel Get the custom fields for the Note object.
Notes Retrieves a list of all notes
Opportunities Retrieves a list of all opportunities.
OpportunityModel Get the custom fields for the Opportunity object.
OrderItems Retrieves a list of order items for a given order.
OrderPayments Retrieves a list of payments made against a given order.
Orders Retrieves a list of all orders.
OrderTransactions Retrieves a list transactions for a given order.
Products Retrieves a list of all products.
SubscriptionModel Get the custom fields for the Subscription object.
Subscriptions Retrieves a list of all subscriptions.
TaggedCompanies Retrieves a list of companies that have the given tag applied.
TaggedContacts Retrieves a list of contacts that have the given tag applied.
Tags Retrieve a list of tags defined in the application
TaskModel Get the custom fields for the Task object.
Tasks Retrieves a list of all tasks.
Transactions Retrieves a list transactions for a given contact.
Users Retrieves a list of all users.

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