API Data Provider - Online Help

Humanity Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Humanity Tables

Name Description
Budget Returns all budget settings for a given time period
Business Retrieves business details
Companies Get Companies
CompanySettings Returns company settings
CustomFields Retrieves all custom field (id, name, type, access and values) and Retrieves custom fields for one employee (custom field id, name, type, access, values and is_set).
CustomReports Retrieves a list of custom reports.
DashboardOnNow Returns a list of currently clocked employees and employees who are late for work.
EmployeeAvailabilityApprove Request employee availability approval.
EmployeeFutureAvailability Returns Future Availability for a given day time period
EmployeePositions Return positions assigned to employee
EmployeeReport Retrieves a list of employee's reports.
Employees Returns the list of employees.
EmployeesPreclockin Get employees preclockins (Default: Authenticated User)
EmployeeWeeklyAvailability Returns Weekly Availability for a user.
ForecastDatapoints Returns a list of all datapoints for the given forecast
ForecastDatapointsByDatatypeUniqueId Returns datapoints for the given forecast datatype unique id.
ForecastDatatypes Returns a list of all forecast datatypes
GroupPermissions Retrieves group permissions for authenticated user.
GroupReports Retrieves a specific reports for all accounts that belong to the same group
Leaves Retrieves a list of vacations.
LeaveTypeForEmployee Retrieves a list of all leave types that are assigned to the specific employee
LeaveTypes Retrieves a list of all leave types
Locations Returns a list of all and individual Locations.
Me Returns information about requester.
Message Get single message
Messages Gets all messages for authenticated user
Note Returns schedule note
Notes Returns schedule notes
Notices Get notices also get notice
NumberOfRequests Returns a count of all requests
PayrollRatecards Get information about ratecards
PayrollReport Retrives a list of payroll reports by type
PositionBreakRules Returns a list of all Positions.
Positions Returns a list of all and individual Positions.
Preclockins Get all preclockins.
ScheduleReport Retrives a list of schedule reports betwen selected dates.
ShiftBreaks Gets breaks for all employees assigned to a given shift.
Shifts Returns a list of shifts.
Skills Returns an array of all skills as well as Returns skill specified by id.
TimeclockEvents Returns a list of all timeclock events for a timeclock
TimeclockLocations Returns all timeclock locations.
TimeClocks Retrieves an individual Clock Time and Returns a list of all timeclocks (filtered by given params).
TimeClockStatus Get Clock Status of Employee. Returns 'in' or 'out' if details param is 0.
TimeclockTerminal Clockin terminal management as well as Get a timeclock terminal.
TimesheetsReport Retrieves a list of timesheet reports.
Trade Returns a single trade request
Trades Returns a list of trades.
TrainingSections Returns a list of all training sections (parent group categories) as well as Returns an individual training section (parent group category)
WallMessages Get wall mesages
WeeklyTimeframeAvailability Returns Weekly Timeframe Availability for a user
WorkunitsDailyReport Returns a list of worked units

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