API Data Provider - Online Help

Front Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Front Tables

Name Description
Channels Lists all the channels.
Comment Fetches the information of a comment.
CommentMentions Lists the teammates mentionned in a comment.
ContactConversations Lists all the conversations with a contact in reverse chronological order (most recently updated first).
ContactGroups Lists all the contact groups.
ContactNotes Lists the notes added to a contact.
Contacts Lists all the contacts.
ConversationEvents List of all the events that occured for a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first).
ConversationFollowers Lists the teammates following a conversation.
ConversationInboxes Lists the inboxes in which a conversation appears.
ConversationMessages Lists all the messages sent or received in a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first).
Conversations Lists all the conversations.
CustomFields List all the custom fields in your company.
Events Lists all the detailed events which occured in the inboxes of your company ordered in reverse chronological order (newest first).
Exports Lists all the exports generated in your company.
GroupContacts Lists all the contacts belonging to the requested group.
InboxChannels Lists the channels linked to an inbox.
InboxConversations Lists the conversations which appear in an inbox.
Inboxes Lists all the inboxes.
InboxTeammates Lists the teammates who can access an inbox.
Responses Lists the responses in your company.
Rules Lists all the rules.
Shifts Lists all the shifts.
ShiftTeammates Lists the teammates who are assigned to a shift.
TagConversations Lists all the conversations tagged with a specific tag.
Tags Lists all tags.
Team Fetches the details of a team.
TeamChannels List the channels of a specific team.
TeamContacts List the contacts of a specific team.
TeamInboxes List the inboxes of a specific team.
TeammateChannels List the channels of a specific teammate.
TeammateContacts List the contacts of a specific teammate.
TeammateConversations Lists the conversations assigned to a teammate in reverse chronological order (most recently updated first).
TeammateInboxes List the inboxes of a specific teammate.
TeammateRules Lists the rules of a specific teammate.
Teammates Lists the teammates in your company.
TeammateTags Lists all tags for a specific teammate.
TeamRules Lists the rules of a specific team.
Teams List the teams in your company.
TeamTags Lists all tags for a specific team.

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