Front Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Front Tables
Name | Description |
Channels | Lists all the channels. |
Comment | Fetches the information of a comment. |
CommentMentions | Lists the teammates mentionned in a comment. |
ContactConversations | Lists all the conversations with a contact in reverse chronological order (most recently updated first). |
ContactGroups | Lists all the contact groups. |
ContactNotes | Lists the notes added to a contact. |
Contacts | Lists all the contacts. |
ConversationEvents | List of all the events that occured for a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first). |
ConversationFollowers | Lists the teammates following a conversation. |
ConversationInboxes | Lists the inboxes in which a conversation appears. |
ConversationMessages | Lists all the messages sent or received in a conversation in reverse chronological order (newest first). |
Conversations | Lists all the conversations. |
CustomFields | List all the custom fields in your company. |
Events | Lists all the detailed events which occured in the inboxes of your company ordered in reverse chronological order (newest first). |
Exports | Lists all the exports generated in your company. |
GroupContacts | Lists all the contacts belonging to the requested group. |
InboxChannels | Lists the channels linked to an inbox. |
InboxConversations | Lists the conversations which appear in an inbox. |
Inboxes | Lists all the inboxes. |
InboxTeammates | Lists the teammates who can access an inbox. |
Responses | Lists the responses in your company. |
Rules | Lists all the rules. |
Shifts | Lists all the shifts. |
ShiftTeammates | Lists the teammates who are assigned to a shift. |
TagConversations | Lists all the conversations tagged with a specific tag. |
Tags | Lists all tags. |
Team | Fetches the details of a team. |
TeamChannels | List the channels of a specific team. |
TeamContacts | List the contacts of a specific team. |
TeamInboxes | List the inboxes of a specific team. |
TeammateChannels | List the channels of a specific teammate. |
TeammateContacts | List the contacts of a specific teammate. |
TeammateConversations | Lists the conversations assigned to a teammate in reverse chronological order (most recently updated first). |
TeammateInboxes | List the inboxes of a specific teammate. |
TeammateRules | Lists the rules of a specific teammate. |
Teammates | Lists the teammates in your company. |
TeammateTags | Lists all tags for a specific teammate. |
TeamRules | Lists the rules of a specific team. |
Teams | List the teams in your company. |
TeamTags | Lists all tags for a specific team. |