Elorus Tables
The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Elorus Tables
Name | Description |
BillAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified bill. |
BillItems | Retrieves items for a single bill. |
Bills | Retrieves a list of all bills. |
ContactAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified contact. |
Contacts | Retrieves a list of all contacts. |
CreditNoteAppliedCredit | Retrieves item for a single credit note. |
CreditNoteAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified credit note. |
CreditNoteItems | Retrieves item for a single credit note. |
CreditNotes | Retrieves a list of all credit notes. |
DocumentTypes | Retrieves the list of document types. |
EstimateAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified estimate. |
EstimateItems | Retrieves items for a single estimate. |
Estimates | Retrieves a list of all estimates. |
IncomingCheques | Retrieves the list of incoming cheques. |
InvoiceAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified invoice. |
InvoiceItems | Retrieves items for a single invoice. |
Invoices | Retrieves a list of all invoices. |
Organization | Retrieves details about the organization. |
OrganizationRoles | Retrieves the list of custom roles. |
OrganizationSettings | Retrieves the application settings. |
OutgoingCheques | Retrieves the list of outgoing cheques. |
PaymentGateways | Retrieves the list of payment gateways. |
PaymentReceivedAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified payment received. |
PaymentSentAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified payment sent. |
PaymentsReceived | Retrieves the list of payments received. |
PaymentsSent | Retrieves the list of payments sent. |
Products | Retrieves a list of all products/services. |
ProductStockAdjustments | Retrieves the list of stock adjustments. |
ProductStockHistory | Returns the complete list of stock changes for the specified product / service. |
RecurringBillItems | Retrieves items for a single recurring bill. |
RecurringBills | Retrieves a list of recurring bills. |
RecurringInvoiceItems | Retrieves items for a single recurring invoice. |
RecurringInvoices | Retrieves a list of all recurring invoices. |
RecurringPaymentsReceived | Retrieves a list of recurring payments received. |
Reminders | Retrieves a list of all reminders. |
SalesSeries | Retrieves the list of sales numbering sequences. |
CreditNoteAppliedCredit | Retrieves the list of credit applied to bills. |
SupplierCreditAttachments | Retrieves the list of attachments for the specified supplier credit. |
SupplierCredits | Retrieves a list of supplier credits. Supplier credits typically represent credit notes that you receive from suppliers. |
Taxes | Retrieves the list of taxes. |
Templates | Retrieves the list of templates. |
TrackingCategories | Retrieves the list of tracking categories. |
UserProfile | Retrieves user profile. |
Users | Retrieves the list of custom roles. |