API Data Provider - Online Help

Dotmailer Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Dotmailer Tables

Name Description
Account Gets a summary of information about the current status of the account.
AddressBookCampaigns Retrieves any campaigns that have been sent to an address book or a segment.
AddressBookContacts Retrieves a list of contacts in a given address book or segment by ID.
AddressBookContactsScoring Retrieves contact scoring for contacts within a specific address book or segment.
AddressBooks Gets all address books.
CampaignActivity Returns a list of contacts who were sent a specified campaign, with a summary report of the contact's activity.
CampaignAddressBooks Returns a list of any address books and segments that a specified campaign has ever been sent to.
CampaignAttachments Returns documents that are currently attached to a campaign.
CampaignClicks Returns a list of clicks for links within a specified campaign.
CampaignClicksGroups Returns a list of clicks for links, along with the links' assigned link groups, within a specified campaign.
CampaignContactClicksLinkGroups Returns a list of clicks for links, along with the links' assigned link groups, by a specified contact in a specified campaign.
CampaignDetails Retrieves a campaign by ID, along with all its details
CampaignHardBouncer Retrieves a list of contacts who hard bounced when sent a particular campaign.
CampaignOpens Retrieves a list of campaign opens.
Campaigns Retrieves all campaigns
CampaignSocialBookmarkViews Retrieves campaign social bookmark views for a campaign.
CampaignSummary Retrieves a summary of reporting information for a specified campaign.
ContactAddressBooks Returns a list of any address books and segments that a specified campaign has ever been sent to.
ContactCampaignActivity Returns a summary report of activity by a specific contact with regards to a specific campaign sent to them.
ContactCampaignClicks Returns a list of link clicks by a specified contact in a specified campaign.
ContactCampaignOpens Retrieves a list of campaign opens for a contact.
ContactCampaignPageViews Returns a list of page views for a specific campaign for a contact.
ContactCampaignReplies Returns a list of campaign replies for a contact
ContactCampaignROIActivity Returns a list of ROI information for a campaign for a contact
ContactCampaignSocialBookmarkViews Retrieves campaign social bookmark views for a contact.
ContactPreferences Returns all preferences for the account and indicates those that a given contact is opted into.
Contacts Retrieves a list of all contacts in the account.
ContactScoring Retrieves contact scoring for all contacts in the account or scoring for a contact by ID (Email).
DataFields Retrieves all contact data fields within the account.
DocumentFolders Retrieves the document folder tree structure that exists within your account.
FolderDocuments Retrieves all of the uploaded documents within a specified folder.
ImageFolders Retrieves the campaign image folder tree structure.
Preferences Returns an array of all preferences and preference categories.Preference categories have the isPreference key set to false. Preferences have the isPreference key set to true.If no preferences exist, an empty array is returned, otherwise an array, which contains preference objects and preference category objects is returned.
PrivateAddressBooks Gets all private address books.
Programs Retrieves all programs
PublicAddressBooks Gets all public address books.
Segments Retrieves all segments within your account.
SurveyFields Retrieves a list of survey pages, each containing a list of the fields on that page.
SurveyResponses Retrieves a list of all responses for a survey.
Surveys Retrieves all surveys in the account.
Templates Returns all saved templates within your account.

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