API Data Provider - Online Help

ChargeOver Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

ChargeOver Tables

Name Description
AdminWorkers Retrieves a list of admin workers.
Brands Retrieves brand list.
Campaigns Retrieves campaign list.
Classes Retrieves a list of classes.
Contacts Retrieves a list of users/contacts.
Countries Retrieves country list.
CreditCards Retrieves a list of credit cards.
Currencies Retrieves currencies.
Customers Retrieves a list of customers.
CustomFields Retrieves information about custom fields that are defined within ChargeOver.
Invoices Retrieves a list of invoices.
Items Retrieves a list of items (Products,Discounts).
Languages Retrieves languages.
Quotes Retrieves a list of all quotes.
SubscriptionLineItems Retrieves a list of line items for a specific subscription.
Subscriptions Retrieves a list of subscriptions.
Terms Retrieves terms.
Transactions Retrieves a list of transactions.

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