API Data Provider - Online Help

Chargebee Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Chargebee Tables

Name Description
Addons Retrieves all your current active and archived addons.
Comments Retrieve the list of comments sorted by the recent ones on the top.
CouponCodes List the available coupon codes.
Coupons Retrieves all available coupons.
CouponSets List the available coupon sets.
CreditNotes Lists all the Credit Notes.
CustomerContacts Retrieves contacts for a specific customer
Customers Retrieves the list of customers.
Events Retrieves list of events. Only events that are less than 90 days old will be retrieved.
Gifts Retrieves the list of gifts.
InvoiceLineItems Retrieves all line items for a specific invoice.
InvoicePayments Retrieves the payments for an invoice with the recent ones on top. This returns all the payment attempts(manual & automatic) made for this invoice.
Invoices Retrieves the list of invoices.
Orders Retrieves the list of orders.
PaymentSources Lists all the payment sources.
Plans Retrieves all the active and archived plans.
PromotionalCredits Retrieves the list of promotioal credits.
QuoteLineGroups Retrieves all the quote line groups and lineitems for a quote..
Quotes Retrieves all quotes.
SiteMigrationDetails List site migration details.
SubscriptionContractTerms Retrieves a list of contract term resources for a specific subscription
Subscriptions Retrieves the list of subscriptions.
SubscriptionWithScheduledChanges Retrieves a subscription with the scheduled changes applied.
Transactions Lists all the transactions.
UnbilledCharges Lists all the unbilled charges.
VirtualBankAccounts Lists all the virtual bank accounts.

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