API Data Provider - Online Help

Calendly Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Calendly Tables

Name Description
CurrentUser Returns basic information about your user account.
EventInvitees Returns all Events for the given user.
OrganizationEventTypes Returns all Event Types that belong to the organization.
OrganizationInvitations Returns a list of Organization Invitations that were sent to the organization's members.
OrganizationMemberships Returns the Organization Memberships for all users belonging to an organization.
OrganizationScheduledEvents Returns all Events for the given organization.
OrganizationWebhooks Returns a list of Webhook Subscriptions for a specified Organization.
UserEventTypes Returns all Event Types associated with a specified User.
UserMemberships Returns a user's membership in an organization.
UserScheduledEvents Returns all Events for the given user.
UserWebhooks Returns a list of Webhook Subscriptions for a specified user.

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