API Data Provider - Online Help

AdRoll Tables

The provider models the data in API as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

AdRoll Tables

Name Description
Accounts Returns the accounts associated with your organization.
AdDateReport Returns a date data format report for a specific ad.
AdEntityReport Returns a entity data format report for a specific ad.
AdGroups Returns the adgroups associated with an advertisable or campaign.
Ads Returns the ads associated with an advertisable.
AdSummaryReport Returns a summary data format report for a specific ad.
AdvertisableDateReport Returns a date data format report for a specific advertisabl.
AdvertisableEntityReport Returns a entity data format report for a specific advertisabl.
Advertisables Returns the advertisables associated with your organization.
AdvertisableSummaryReport Returns a summary data format report for a specific advertisabl.
BillingMethods Returns the billing methods associated with your organization.
CampaignDateReport Returns a date data format report for a specific campaign.
CampaignEntityReport Returns a entity data format report for a specific campaign.
Campaigns Returns the campaigns associated with an advertisable based on the given filters.
CampaignSummaryReport Returns a summary data format report for a specific campaign.
CurrentUser Returns the currently logged in user.
DynamicConfiguration Returns the Dynamic configuration
DynamicTemplateCapabilityDescription Returns a list of all the available template capabilities.
DynamicTemplates Returns a list of all the available dynamic templates for an advertisable.
Organization Returns the details about your organization.
Pixel Returns the ads associated with an advertisable.
Rules Returns all the rules associated with a pixel.
Segments Returns the segments from the active pixel for a given advertisable.
Users Returns the users associated with an organization, their role within the organization and their associated advertisables.

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