The adapter models the data in Suite CRM as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Suite CRM Adapter Tables
Name | Description |
Accounts | Create, update, delete, and query accounts created in SuiteCRM |
ACLRoles | Create, update, delete, and query the ACLRoles table in SuiteCRM |
Alerts | Create, update, delete, and query the Alerts of your SuiteCRM account |
Bugs | Create, update, delete, and query the bugs in SuiteCRM |
BusinessHours | Create, update, delete, and query business hours information in SuiteCRM |
Calls | Create, update, delete, and query calls in SuiteCRM |
CallsReschedule | Create, update, delete, and query rescheduled call information for the SuiteCRM calls |
CampaignLog | Create, update, delete, and query logs related to SuiteCRM campaigns |
Campaigns | Create, update, delete, and query the SuiteCRM project's campaigns |
CaseEvents | Create, update, delete, and query the events related to the SuiteCRM cases |
Cases | Create, update, delete, and query the SuiteCRM cases |
CaseUpdates | Create, update, delete, and query updated made to the SuiteCRM cases |
Contacts | Create, update, delete, and query the contacts in SuiteCRM |
Contracts | Create, update, delete, and query contracts in SuiteCRM |
Currencies | Create, update, delete, and query currencies used in SuiteCRM financial trackings |
DocumentRevisions | Query and delete revisions to uploaded SuiteCRM documents |
Documents | Create, update, delete, and query SuiteCRM documents |
EAPM | Create, update, delete, and query the EAPM (External API Module) entries in SuiteCRM |
EmailAddress | Create, update, delete, and query email addresses saved in SuiteCRM |
Emails | Create, update, delete, and query sent or received emails |
EmailTemplates | Create, update, delete, and query email templates to be used for emails |
Employees | Create, update, delete, and query employees registered in the SuiteCRM project |
Events | Create, update, delete, and query events registered in the SuiteCRM project |
InboundEmail | Create, update, delete, and query SuiteCRM inbound emails |
Index | Create, update, delete, and query the available indexes in SuiteCRM |
IndexEvent | Create, update, delete, and query the Index Event entries in SuiteCRM |
Invoices | Create, update, delete, and query the invoices saved in the SuiteCRM |
Leads | Create, update, delete, and query the registered Leads |
LineItemGroups | Create, update, delete, and query the SuiteCRM line items groups |
LineItems | Create, update, delete, and query line items in SuiteCRM |
Locations | Create, update, delete, and query locations in SuiteCRM |
MapAddressCache | Create, update, delete, and query information on the Map Address saved in the server cache |
MapAreas | Create, update, delete, and query saved map areas in SuiteCRM |
MapMarkers | Create, update, delete, and query Google Maps Map Markers saved in SuiteCRM |
Maps | Create, update, delete, and query maps via Google Maps. |
Meetings | Create, update, delete, and query meeting information. |
Notes | Create, update, delete, and query notes in SuiteCRM |
OAuthConsumerKeys | Create, update, delete, and query information on OAuth keys distributed by the application. |
OAuthTokens | Query currently active OAuth tokens |
Opportunities | Create, update, delete, and query opportunities saved in SuiteCRM |
OutboundEmailAccounts | Create, update, delete, and query the outbound email accounts table |
PDFTemplates | Create, update, delete, and query PDFTemplates table. |
ProcessAudit | Create, update, delete, and query information on process audits |
ProductCategories | Create, update, delete, and query the product categories. |
Products | Create, update, delete, and query the products registered for the SuiteCRM project |
Projects | Create, update, delete, and query projects registered in SuiteCRM |
ProjectTemplates | Create, update, delete, and query any saved project template. |
Quotes | Create, update, delete, and query quotes saved in SuiteCRM |
Releases | Create, update, delete, and query the registered releases. |
ReportCharts | Create, update, delete, and query report charts. |
ReportConditions | Create, update, delete, and query report conditions. |
ReportFields | Create, update, delete, and query the saved report fields. |
Reports | Create, update, delete, and query information on reports made in SuiteCRM. |
Roles | Create, update, delete, and query the roles in SuiteCRM. |
SavedSearches | Query any saved searches |
ScheduledReports | Create, update, delete, and query information on SuiteCRM scheduled reports. |
Schedulers | Create, update, delete, and query schedulers. |
SecurityGroupsManagement | Create, update, delete, and query information on security groups |
Spots | Create, update, delete, and query the saved spots. |
SuiteCRMFeed | Create, update, delete, and query information on the activity feed in the SuiteCRM project. |
TargetLists | Create, update, delete, and query the saved target lists. |
Targets | Query targets saved in SuiteCRM |
Tasks | Create, update, delete, and query tasks in SuiteCRM. |
TemplateSectionLine | Create, update, delete, and query the template section line entries in SuiteCRM |
Trackers | Create, update, delete, and query the created trackers. |
Users | Create, update, delete, and query the SuiteCRM registered users. |
WorkFlow | Create, update, delete, and query the wokflow actions in SuiteCRM |
WorkFlowActions | Create, update, delete, and query the wokflow actions in SuiteCRM. |
WorkFlowConditions | Create, update, delete, and query the workflow conditions in SuiteCRM. |