JDBC Driver for REST

Build 23.0.8839


The oauthGetUserAuthorizationURL is an APIScript operation that is used to facilitate the OAuth authentication flow for Web apps, for offline apps, and in situations where the driver is not allowed to open a Web browser. To pass the needed inputs to this operation, define the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL stored procedure. The driver can call this internally.

Define stored procedures in .rsb files with the same file name as the schema's title. The example schema briefly lists some of the typically required inputs before the following sections explain them in more detail.

For a guide to authenticating in the OAuth flow, see the "Getting Started" chapter. You can find more information about stored procedures and how to write them in Defining Stored Procedures.

Writing the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Stored Procedure

Call oauthGetUserAuthorizationURL in the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL stored procedure.

<api:script xmlns:api="http://www.rssbus.com/ns/rsbscript/2">

  <api:info title="Get OAuth Authorization URL" description="Obtains the OAuth authorization URL used for authentication with various APIs."                                                          >
    <input  name="CallbackURL"                  desc="The URL to be used as a trusted redirect URL, where the user will return with the token that verifies that they have granted your app access. " />

    <output name="URL"                          desc="The URL where the user logs in and is prompted to grant permissions to the app. "                                                               />
    <output name="OAuthAccessToken"             desc="The request token. OAuth 1.0 only."                                                                                                             />
    <output name="OAuthTokenSecret"             desc="The request token secret. OAuth 1.0 only."                                                                                                      />

  <!-- Set OAuthVersion to 1.0 or 2.0. -->
  <api:set attr="OAuthVersion"          value="MyOAuthVersion"                 />
  <!-- Set ResponseType to the desired authorization grant type. OAuth 2.0 only.-->
  <api:set attr="ResponseType"           value="code"                           />
  <!-- Set SignMethod to the signature method used to calculate the signature. OAuth 1.0 only.-->
  <api:set attr="SignMethod"            value="HMAC-SHA1"                      />
  <!-- Set OAuthAuthorizationURL to the URL where the user logs into the service and grants permissions to the application. -->
  <api:set attr="OAuthAuthorizationURL"  value="http://MyOAuthAuthorizationURL" />
  <!-- Set OAuthAccessTokenURL to the URL where the request for the access token is made. -->
  <api:set attr="OAuthAccessTokenURL"   value="http://MyOAuthAccessTokenURL"/>
  <!-- Set RequestTokenURL to the URL where the request for the request token is made. OAuth 1.0 only.-->
  <api:set attr="OAuthRequestTokenURL"   value="http://MyOAuthRequestTokenURL"       />
  <api:call op="oauthGetUserAuthorizationUrl">


Input Parameters

  • OAuthVersion: The OAuth version. The allowed values are 1.0, 2.0. The default value is 1.0.
  • OAuthAuthorizationURL: The URL where the user logs into the service and grants permissions to the application. In OAuth 1.0, if permissions are granted the request token is authorized.
  • OAuthRequestTokenURL: The URL where the driver makes a request for the request token. OAuth 1.0 only. Required for OAuth 1.0.
  • CallbackURL: The URL to be used as a trusted redirect URL, where the user will return with the token that verifies that they have granted your app access. This value must match the callback URL you specify when you register an app. Note that your data source may additionally require the port. The default value is
  • OAuthClientId: The client Id. Also called a consumer key.
  • OAuthClientSecret: The client secret. Also called a consumer secret.
  • ResponseType: The desired authorization grant type. OAuth 2.0 only. The allowed values are CODE, IMPLICIT. The default value is CODE.
  • SignMethod: The signature method used to calculate the signature for OAuth 1.0. The allowed values are HMAC-SHA1, RSA-SHA1, PLAINTEXT. The default value is HMAC-SHA1.
  • Cert: Path for the personal certificate PFX file. OAuth 1.0 only.
  • CertPassword: Personal certificate password. OAuth 1.0 only.
  • OtherOptions: Other options to control the behavior of OAuth.
  • OAuthParam:*: Other parameters. OAuth 1.0 only.
  • Timeout: The timeout, in seconds, for the operation to complete. Zero (0) means no timeout. The default value is 60.
  • Proxy_Auto: Whether or not the proxy should be detected from Windows system settings. This takes precedence over other proxy settings and is not available in Java. The allowed values are TRUE, FALSE. The default value is FALSE.
  • Proxy_Server: IP address or host name of the proxy server used for the request.
  • Proxy_Port: The port number of the proxy server.
  • Proxy_User: The user Id used to authenticate with the proxy server.
  • Proxy_Password: The password used to authenticate with the proxy server.
  • Proxy_AuthScheme: The authentication scheme of the proxy server. The allowed values are BASIC, DIGEST, PROPRIETARY, NONE, NTLM. The default value is BASIC.
  • Proxy_AuthToken: The proxy authentication token.
  • Proxy_SSLType: The SSL type of the proxy server. The allowed values are AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, TUNNEL. The default value is AUTO.
  • Firewall_Type: The type of the firewall. The allowed values are NONE, TUNNEL, SOCKS4, SOCKS5. The default value is NONE.
  • Firewall_Server: The IP address or host name of the firewall.
  • Firewall_Port: The port number of the firewall.
  • Firewall_User: The user Id used to authenticate with the firewall.
  • Firewall_Password: The password used to authenticate with the firewall.

Output Parameters

  • URL: The URL where the user logs in and is prompted to grant permissions to the app. In OAuth 1.0, if permissions are granted the request token is authorized.
  • OAuthAccessToken: The request token. OAuth 1.0 only.
  • OAuthTokenSecret: The request token secret. OAuth 1.0 only.
  • OAuthParam:*: Other parameters sent from the server. OAuth 1.0 only.

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Build 23.0.8839