You can use the api:if keyword to evaluate expressions that can contain items, attributes, and values. The scope of the keyword is executed if the specified expression evaluates to true.
- exp: The expression to evaluate. You can make string, date, and numeric comparisons.
- attr: The name of the attribute to compare the value of. The value of an attribute can be checked for a matching value or for the values null or notnull.
- value: The value to compare with the value of the attribute specified by attr.
- item: The item that contains the attribute being compared.
- operator: The name of the operator to compare the operands specified by attr and value. Allowed values: null, notnull, hasvalue, equals, equalsignorecase, notequals, lessthan, and greaterthan. Default: notnull.
- action: The action to perform if the expression evaluates to true. Allowed values: break, continue.
Control Attributes
Evaluate a simple comparison of two values:
<api:if exp="[attr] == 10">
Evaluate the equality of a given value and the value of a given attribute:
<api:set attr="attr1" value="value1"/>
<api:set attr="attr2" value="value2"/>
<api:if attr="attr1" value="[attr2]" operator="notequals"> <!-- Evaluates to true -->
Evaluate whether an attribute exists:
<api:set attr="exists" value="true"/>
<api:if attr="exists"> <!-- Evaluates to true -->
See Also
- api:exists: Check that an attribute has a value in the specified item.
- api:equals: Create a block that is executed when equality is met.