Views are composed of columns and pseudo columns. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Often, a stored procedure is available to update the data if such functionality is applicable to the data source.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.
Dynamic views, such as queries exposed as views, and views for looking up specific combinations of project_team work items are supported.
CData JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP Views
Name | Description |
ApplicantApplication | Return a list of: ApplicantApplication |
ApplicantApplications | Return a list of: ApplicantApplications |
ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems | Return a list of: ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems |
ApplicantInterviews | Return a list of: ApplicantInterviews |
ApplicantPreviousEmployers | Return a list of: ApplicantPreviousEmployers |
ApplicantReferences | Return a list of: ApplicantReferences |
ApplicantSchools | Return a list of: ApplicantSchools |
ApplicantSkills | Return a list of: ApplicantSkills |
ApplicantTests | Return a list of: ApplicantTests |
BackOfficeRole | Return a list of: BackOfficeRole |
Bank | Return a list of: Bank |
CashReceiptDistributions | Return a list of: CashReceiptDistributions |
ChangedCurrencyKey | Return a list of: ChangedCurrencyKey |
ChangedCustomerAddressKey | Return a list of: ChangedCustomerAddressKey |
ChangedCustomerKey | Return a list of: ChangedCustomerKey |
ChangedInternetAddressKey | Return a list of: ChangedInternetAddressKey |
ChangedItemKey | Return a list of: ChangedItemKey |
ChangedPriceLevelKey | Return a list of: ChangedPriceLevelKey |
ChangedPricingKey | Return a list of: ChangedPricingKey |
ChangedSalesInvoiceKey | Return a list of: ChangedSalesInvoiceKey |
ChangedSalesOrderKey | Return a list of: ChangedSalesOrderKey |
ChangedSalespersonKey | Return a list of: ChangedSalespersonKey |
ChangedUofMScheduleKey | Return a list of: ChangedUofMScheduleKey |
Company | Return a list of: Company |
CompanyAddress | Return a list of: CompanyAddress |
CountryRegionCode | Return a list of: CountryRegionCode |
Currency | Return a list of: Currency |
CurrencyAccess | Return a list of: CurrencyAccess |
CurrencyPostingAccount | Return a list of: CurrencyPostingAccount |
CustomerAddresses | Return a list of: CustomerAddresses |
CustomerReceivablesSummary | Return a list of: CustomerReceivablesSummary |
EmployeeAddresses | Return a list of: EmployeeAddresses |
GLAccount | Return a list of: GLAccount |
GLAccountCategory | Return a list of: GLAccountCategory |
GLAccountFormat | Return a list of: GLAccountFormat |
GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions | Return a list of: GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions |
GLPostingAccountCurrencies | Return a list of: GLPostingAccountCurrencies |
GLTransactionLines | Return a list of: GLTransactionLines |
GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions | Return a list of: GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions |
InventoriedItem | Return a list of: InventoriedItem |
InventoryAdjustmentLines | Return a list of: InventoryAdjustmentLines |
InventoryTransferLines | Return a list of: InventoryTransferLines |
InventoryVarianceLines | Return a list of: InventoryVarianceLines |
Item | Return a list of: Item |
ItemClass | Return a list of: ItemClass |
ManufacturingOrder | Return a list of: ManufacturingOrder |
ManufacturingOrderPickList | Return a list of: ManufacturingOrderPickList |
ManufacturingOrderRoute | Return a list of: ManufacturingOrderRoute |
MulticurrencySetup | Return a list of: MulticurrencySetup |
PayablesDocument | Return a list of: PayablesDocument |
PayablesDocumentDistributions | The DynamicsGP table PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PayablesDocumentTaxes | The DynamicsGP table PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PaymentCardType | Return a list of: PaymentCardType |
PaymentTerms | Return a list of: PaymentTerms |
PlannedOrder | Return a list of: PlannedOrder |
PlannedOrderItems | Return a list of: PlannedOrderItems |
PolicyBehaviors | Return a list of: PolicyBehaviors |
PriceLevel | Return a list of: PriceLevel |
PricingDetails | Return a list of: PricingDetails |
Project | Return a list of: Project |
ProjectAccounts | Return a list of: ProjectAccounts |
ProjectBillingCycles | Return a list of: ProjectBillingCycles |
ProjectBudget | Return a list of: ProjectBudget |
ProjectBudgets | Return a list of: ProjectBudgets |
ProjectChangeOrder | Return a list of: ProjectChangeOrder |
ProjectChangeOrderBudgets | Return a list of: ProjectChangeOrderBudgets |
ProjectChangeOrderFees | Return a list of: ProjectChangeOrderFees |
ProjectContract | Return a list of: ProjectContract |
ProjectContractAccounts | Return a list of: ProjectContractAccounts |
ProjectContractBillingCycles | Return a list of: ProjectContractBillingCycles |
ProjectEmployeeExpense | Return a list of: ProjectEmployeeExpense |
ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions | Return a list of: ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions |
ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines | Return a list of: ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines |
ProjectEquipmentList | Return a list of: ProjectEquipmentList |
ProjectFees | Return a list of: ProjectFees |
ProjectMiscellaneousLog | Return a list of: ProjectMiscellaneousLog |
ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions | Return a list of: ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions |
ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines | Return a list of: ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines |
ProjectTimesheet | Return a list of: ProjectTimesheet |
ProjectTimesheetDistributions | Return a list of: ProjectTimesheetDistributions |
ProjectTimesheetLines | Return a list of: ProjectTimesheetLines |
PurchaseInvoiceDistributions | Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceDistributions |
PurchaseInvoiceFreightTaxes | Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceFreightTaxes |
PurchaseInvoiceLines | Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceLines |
PurchaseInvoiceMiscellaneousTaxes | Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceMiscellaneousTaxes |
PurchaseInvoiceTaxes | Return a list of: PurchaseInvoiceTaxes |
PurchaseOrderFreightTaxes | Return a list of: PurchaseOrderFreightTaxes |
PurchaseOrderLines | Return a list of: PurchaseOrderLines |
PurchaseOrderMiscellaneousTaxes | Return a list of: PurchaseOrderMiscellaneousTaxes |
PurchaseOrderTaxes | Return a list of: PurchaseOrderTaxes |
PurchaseReceiptDistributions | Return a list of: PurchaseReceiptDistributions |
PurchaseReceiptLines | Return a list of: PurchaseReceiptLines |
PurchaseReceiptUserDefined | Return a list of: PurchaseReceiptUserDefined |
ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions | Return a list of: ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions |
ReceivablesDocument | Return a list of: ReceivablesDocument |
ReceivablesDocumentDistributions | The DynamicsGP table ReceivablesDocumentDistributions. |
ReceivablesDocumentTaxes | The DynamicsGP table ReceivablesDocumentTaxes. |
ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions | Return a list of: ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions |
ReceivablesReturnCommissions | Return a list of: ReceivablesReturnCommissions |
ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions | Return a list of: ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions |
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits | Return a list of: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits |
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines | Return a list of: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines |
SalesBackorderLines | Return a list of: SalesBackorderLines |
SalesBackorderPayments | Return a list of: SalesBackorderPayments |
SalesDocument | Return a list of: SalesDocument |
SalesDocumentCommissions | The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentCommissions. |
SalesDocumentFreightTaxes | The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentFreightTaxes. |
SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes | The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes. |
SalesDocumentProcessHolds | The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentProcessHolds. |
SalesDocumentTaxes | The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentTaxes. |
SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers | The DynamicsGP table SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers. |
SalesFulfillmentOrderDistributions | Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrderDistributions |
SalesFulfillmentOrderLines | Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrderLines |
SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments | Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments |
SalesInvoiceDistributions | Return a list of: SalesInvoiceDistributions |
SalesInvoiceLines | Return a list of: SalesInvoiceLines |
SalesInvoicePayments | Return a list of: SalesInvoicePayments |
SalesOrderLines | Return a list of: SalesOrderLines |
SalesOrderPayments | Return a list of: SalesOrderPayments |
Salesperson | Return a list of: Salesperson |
SalespersonCommissions | Return a list of: SalespersonCommissions |
SalespersonSalesHistory | Return a list of: SalespersonSalesHistory |
SalesQuoteLines | Return a list of: SalesQuoteLines |
SalesReturnDistributions | Return a list of: SalesReturnDistributions |
SalesReturnLines | Return a list of: SalesReturnLines |
SalesReturnPayments | Return a list of: SalesReturnPayments |
SalesTerritory | Return a list of: SalesTerritory |
SalesTerritorySalesHistory | Return a list of: SalesTerritorySalesHistory |
ServiceCallAdditionalCharges | Return a list of: ServiceCallAdditionalCharges |
ServiceCallEquipmentCodes | Return a list of: ServiceCallEquipmentCodes |
ServiceCallExpenses | Return a list of: ServiceCallExpenses |
ServiceCallLabor | Return a list of: ServiceCallLabor |
ServiceCallParts | Return a list of: ServiceCallParts |
ServiceEquipmentReadings | Return a list of: ServiceEquipmentReadings |
ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges | Return a list of: ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges |
ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes | Return a list of: ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes |
ServiceQuoteExpenses | Return a list of: ServiceQuoteExpenses |
ServiceQuoteLabor | Return a list of: ServiceQuoteLabor |
ServiceQuoteParts | Return a list of: ServiceQuoteParts |
ShippingMethod | Return a list of: ShippingMethod |
SkillSetSkills | Return a list of: SkillSetSkills |
UofMSchedule | Return a list of: UofMSchedule |
UofMScheduleDetails | Return a list of: UofMScheduleDetails |
UserAssignableBusinessObject | Return a list of: UserAssignableBusinessObject |
VendorAddresses | Return a list of: VendorAddresses |
VendorManufacturingOrder | Return a list of: VendorManufacturingOrder |
VendorManufacturingOrderRoute | Return a list of: VendorManufacturingOrderRoute |
VendorPlannedOrder | Return a list of: VendorPlannedOrder |
WarehouseBins | Return a list of: WarehouseBins |