Return a list of: ProjectTimesheetLines
Name | Type | Description |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
Comment | String | |
CreatedBy | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
OriginalDocumentId | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber | String | |
ReportSuffix | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TransactionState | String | |
TransactionType | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
UserId | String | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | |
EmployeeId | String | |
Id | String | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
LinesAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
LinesContraGLAccountId | String | |
LinesContraGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesCostCategoryId | String | |
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | |
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesDate | Datetime | |
LinesExtendedCostCurrency | String | |
LinesExtendedCost | Decimal | |
LinesMarkupPercent | Decimal | |
LinesOriginalDocumentSequenceNumber | Int | |
LinesOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
LinesOverheadGLAccountId | String | |
LinesOverheadGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
LinesProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesProfitAmount | Decimal | |
LinesProfitType | String | |
LinesProjectContractId | String | |
LinesProjectId | String | |
LinesQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesReferenceDocumentSequenceNumber | Int | |
LinesRoundAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesRoundAmount | Decimal | |
LinesRoundingGLAccountId | String | |
LinesRoundingGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesTotalCostCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalCost | Decimal | |
LinesTotalOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
LinesTotalProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalProfitAmount | Decimal | |
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountId | String | |
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountId | String | |
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitCost | Decimal | |
LinesUofM | String | |
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountId | String | |
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesBeginDateTime | Datetime | |
LinesBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingProfitAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingProfitPercent | Decimal | |
LinesBillingQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesBillingRateCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingRate | Decimal | |
LinesBillingStatus | String | |
LinesBillingTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingTaxAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingType | String | |
LinesBillingDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
LinesDepartmentCodeId | String | |
LinesEndDateTime | Datetime | |
LinesJobTitleCodeId | String | |
LinesKeyProjectTimesheetId [KEY] | String | |
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
LinesPayCodeId | String | |
LinesProjectChangeOrderId | String | |
LinesProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId | String | |
LinesSalaryPostingType | String | |
PeriodEndDate | Datetime | |
PersonalDataKeeperProxyId | String | |
PersonalDataKeeperTimesheetNumber | String | |
ReportingDate | Datetime | |
ReportingPeriod | Int |
Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PagingColumn | String |