JDBC Driver for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


The driver models the data in Marketo as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData JDBC Driver for Marketo Tables

Name Description
CustomActivities Query Custom Activities for a Marketo organization.
CustomObjects Create, update, delete, and query custom objects for a Marketo organization.
Emails Query Emails for a Marketo organization.
EmailTemplates Query, update and delete EmailTemplates for a Marketo organization.
Folders Create, update, delete, and query Folders for a Marketo organization.
Forms Create, update, delete and query Forms for a Marketo organization.
LandingPages Create, update, delete and query Landing Pages for a Marketo organization.
LandingPageTemplates Create, update, delete and query LandingPageTemplates for a Marketo organization.
Leads Create, update, delete, and query Leads for a Marketo organization.
ListStaticMemberShip Create, delete and query query static list members for a Marketo organization.
NamedAccounts Query Named Accounts for a Marketo organization.
Opportunities Query Opportunities for a Marketo organization.
OpportunityRoles Query Opportunity Roles for a Marketo organization.
ProgramMembers Create, update, delete, and query members for program in Marketo.
Programs Query Programs for a Marketo organization.
SalesPersons Query Sales Persons for a Marketo organization.
SmartCampaigns Create, update, delete, and query SmartCampaigns for a Marketo organization.
SmartLists Query and delete SmartLists for a Marketo organization.
Snippets Create, update, delete and query Snippets for a Marketo organization.
StaticLists Create, update, delete and query Static Lists for a Marketo organization.
Tokens Create, delete, and query Tokens for a Marketo organization.

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Build 23.0.8839