JDBC Driver for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query SmartCampaigns for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information


Note: All filterable columns must be specified using the '=' operator.

Retrieve all smart campaigns

SELECT * FROM SmartCampaigns

Retrieve a specific smart campaign

SELECT * FROM SmartCampaigns WHERE Id = 2046


To create a new smart campaign, specify at least the Name, FolderId and FolderType column.

INSERT INTO SmartCampaigns (Name, FolderId, FolderType) VALUES ('NewSmartCampaign', '1357', 'Folder')


Only the Name and Description columns can be updated.

UPDATE SmartCampaigns Set Name = 'UpdatedSmartCampaignName', Description = 'CData Campaign' WHERE Id = 2047


To delete a smart campaign you must specify the ID field.

DELETE FROM SmartCampaigns WHERE Id = 2047


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] Integer True True

The Id of the smart campaign.

Name String False

The name of the smart campaign.

ComputedUrl String False

The Computed Url of the Smart Campaign

Description String False

The description of the smart campaign.

Type String True

The type of the the smart campaign. Batch: has at least one filter and no triggers. Trigger: has at least one trigger. Default: has no smart list rules.

SmartListId Integer True

The Id of the smart campaign's child smart list.

FlowId Integer True

The Id of the smart campaign's child flow.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time the smart campaign was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The date and time the smart campaign was last updated.

WorkSpace String True

The name of the workspace where the folder is located.

Status String True

The status of the smart campaign.

The allowed values are Inactive, Single Run, Invalid, Recurring Run, Active, Requested, Never Run.

IsSystem Boolean True

Whether smart campaign is system managed.

IsActive Boolean True

Whether smart campaign is active.

IsRequestable Boolean True

Whether smart campaign is requestable (is active and contains 'Campaign is Requested' trigger with Source of 'Web Service API').

IsCommunicationLimitEnabled Boolean True

Whether smart campaign communication limit is enabled (i.e. block non-operational emails).

MaxMembers Integer True

The smart campaign membership limit.

QualificationRuleType String True

The type of qualification rule.

The allowed values are once, any, interval.

QualificationRuleInterval Integer True

The interval of qualification rule. Only set when qualificationRuleType is 'interval'

QualificationRuleUnit String True

The unit of measure of qualification rule. Only set when qualificationRuleType is 'interval' = ['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month']

RecurrenceStartAt Datetime True

The datetime of the first scheduled campaign to run. Required if setting recurrence. Not required to create a smart campaign that has no recurrence.

RecurrenceEndAt Datetime True

The datetime after which no further runs will be automatically scheduled.

RecurrenceIntervalType String True

The recurrence interval. Not required to create a smart campaign that has no recurrence = ['Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly'].

RecurrenceInterval Integer True

The number of interval units between recurrences.

RecurrenceWeekDayOnly Boolean True

Only run smart campaign on weekdays. May only be set if intervalType is 'Daily'.

RecurrenceWeekDayMask String True

String array of empty or one or more of 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'. May only be set if intervalType is 'Weekly'.

RecurrenceDayOfMonth Integer True

The day of the month to recur. Permissible range 1-31. May only be set if intervalType is 'Monthly' and dayOfWeek and weekOfMonth are unset.

RecurrenceDayOfWeek String True

The day of the week to recur. May only be set if dayOfMonth is not set, and weekOfMonth is set = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'].

RecurrenceWeekOfMonth Integer True

The week of the month to recur. Permissible range 1-4. May only be set if dayOfMonth is not set, and dayOfWeek is set.

FolderId Integer False

The Id of the folder.

FolderType String False

The type of folder.

The allowed values are Folder, Program.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
EarliestUpdatedAt Datetime

Exclude smart campaigns prior to this date.

LatestUpdatedAt Datetime

Exclude smart campaigns after this date.

Folder String

JSON representation of parent folder, with members 'id', and 'type' which may be 'Folder' or 'Program'.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839