SSIS Components for FreshBooks

Build 23.0.8839


本製品 はFreshBooks のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。

CData SSIS Components for FreshBooks テーブル

Name Description
BillPayments Payments are a record of the payments made on your invoices.
Bills A Bill is used to record a business transaction where the items and services from a Vendor have been provided to the business owner, but payment isn’t due until a later date.
BillVendors A Vendor will work with your business to provide goods or services with a Bill to be paid at a later date.
Clients A client in the new FreshBooks is a resource representing an entity you send invoices to.
Estimates Estimates in FreshBooks provides Owners and Clients a way to agree and negotiate on the price and scope of work before it commences.
Expenses Expenses are used to track expenditures your business incurs.
InvoiceProfiles Invoice Profiles are used to create recurring invoices. They have the ability to be saved as a draft invoice or be automatically sent out to the client via email.
Invoices Invoices in FreshBooks are what gets sent to Clients, detailing specific goods or services performed or provided by the Administrator of their System, and the amount that Client owes to the Admin.
Items Items are stored from invoice lines to make invoicing easier in the future.
OtherIncomes Other Income is for recording income that doesn’t require an invoice and is received through other means.
Payments Payments are a record of the payments made on your invoices.
Projects Projects in FreshBooks are used to track business projects and related information such as hourly rate, service(s) being offered, projected end date...etc.
Staff Staff are your employees. Staff created via this endpoint are only Accounting representations of the staff members of your business, for the purpose of ownership of invoices, expenses, etc. To create staff members for actual use please use the Staff Invitation flow in the new FreshBooks' web interface.
Taxes FreshBooks allows you to store your previously used taxes to re-apply conveniently.

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Build 23.0.8839