SSIS Components for FreshBooks

Build 23.0.8839


Invoice Profiles are used to create recurring invoices. They have the ability to be saved as a draft invoice or be automatically sent out to the client via email.

Table Specific Information


To insert, Frequency, CreateDate, NumberRecurring and CustomerID fields are required. To insert InvoiceProfiles with multiple line items, you can either insert an aggregate value into the LinesAggregate field, or use a temporary table. This section provides examples of both procedures.

You can insert Invoices with multiple line items using aggregates. For example:

Insert INTO InvoiceProfiles (Frequency, CreateDate, NumberRecurring, CustomerId, LinesAggregate) VALUES ('m', '2018-02-03', '2', '12761','[{ \"description\": \"This is description\", \"taxName1\": \"Tax1\", \"taxAmount1\": 0,\"name\": \"Paperwork\", \"unit_cost\": {\"amount\": \"5000.00\", \"code\": \"USD\"}}]')

You can also insert InvoiceProfiles with multiple line items using a temporary table.

The temporary table you are populating is dynamic and will be created at run time the first time you insert to it. Temporary tables are denoted by a # appearing in their name. When using a temporary table to insert, the temporary table must be named in the format of [TableName]#TEMP, where TableName is the name of the table you will be inserting to. For example:

INSERT INTO InvoicesLineItems#TEMP (Name, Amount, TaxName1, TaxAmount1) VALUES ('A', 500, 'tax1', 20)
INSERT INTO InvoicesLineItems#TEMP (Name, Amount, TaxName2, TaxAmount2) VALUES ('B', 100, 'tax2', 10)

Once your temporary table is populated, it is now time to insert to the actual table in FreshBooks. You can do this by performing an INSERT to the actual table and setting the name of the temporary table as a value for LinesAggregate. For example:

Insert INTO InvoiceProfiles (Frequency, CreateDate, NumberRecurring, CustomerId, LinesAggregate) VALUES ('m', '2018-02-03', '2', '12761', 'InvoicesLineItems#TEMP')


To update, the Id value is required in the WHERE clause. To update LinesAggregate, you need to override the aggregate LinesAggregate field, either by setting an aggregate value, or by using a temporary table. For example:
INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (Name, Amount, TaxName1, TaxAmount1) VALUES ('A', 500, 'tax1', 20)
INSERT INTO InvoiceLineItems#TEMP (Name, Amount, TaxName2, TaxAmount2) VALUES ('B', 100, 'tax2', 10)

UPDATE InvoiceProfiles SET CreateDate = '2023-11-08', LinesAggregate = 'InvoiceLineItems#TEMP' WHERE Id = 29153


To delete, Id value is required in the WHERE clause.
DELETE from InvoiceProfiles where Id = '26157'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The unique id for the invoice profile

AccountingSystemId String False

Unique id for the system

Address String False

The address on the invoice

Amount String True

The amount to be paid for invoice

AmountCode String True

Three-letter currency code

AutoBill Boolean True

Whether this invoice has a credit card saved

BillGateway String False

The gateway that is used for payment

City String False

City for address on invoice

Code String True

Three-letter currency code

Country String False

Country for address on invoice

CreateDate Date False

The create day of the invoice profile

CurrencyCode String True

Three-letter currency code for invoice

CustomerId Integer False

The unique id for the client of the invoice

Description String False

The description of the invocie

Disable Boolean False

True will disable the auto-generation of invoices

DiscountTotalAmount String True

The amount of the discount

DiscountTotalCode String True

Three-letter currency code for the discount

DiscountValue String False

Decimal-string amount

DueOffsetDays Integer False

Number of days from creation that invoice is due

ExtArchive Integer False

0 or 1 indicating archived or not

Fname String False

The first name of client on invoice

Frequency String False

The frequency the invoice will be created. In the form of xy where x is an integer and y is either d,w,m,y. (example: Every two weeks would be 2w)

IncludeUnbilledTime Boolean False

True if unbilled time is included, false otherwise

Language String False

2 letter code representing the language

Lname String False

The last name of client on invoice

Notes Unknown False

Notes listed on invoice

NumberRecurring Integer False

The number of invoices that will be generated, 0 for infinite

OccurrencesToDate Integer True

Number of invoices that have been generated

Organization String False

Name of the organization belonging to the client

OwnerId Integer True

Id of creator of invoice. 1 if business admin, other if created by e.g. a contractor

PaymentDetails String False

Details for payment for the invoice

PoNumber String False

Post office box number for address on invoice

ProfileId Integer True

Profile Id

Province String False

Province for address on invoice.

SendEmail Boolean False

True email invoice on creation, false will leave as draft

SendGmail Boolean False

True to send invoice via ground mail

Street String False

Street for address on invoice

Street2 String False

Second street for address on invoice

Terms String False

Terms listed on invoice

Updated Datetime True

The date the invoice profile was updated

Vatname String False

Value added tax name if provided

Vatnumber String False

Value added tax number if provided

Visstate Integer False

0 for active, 1 for deleted

LinesAggregate String False

An aggregate of lines associated with an invoice. See the help for the Invoices table for more information on inserting and updating to this field.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839