FireDAC Components for Mailchimp

Build 23.0.8839


The component models the data in Mailchimp as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData FireDAC Components for Mailchimp Tables

Name Description
AutomationEmailQueues A summary of the queue for an email in an automation workflow.
AutomationsRemovedSubscribers A summary of the subscribers removed from an automation workflow.
CampaignFeedback A summary of the comment feedback for a specific campaign.
CampaignFolders Folders for organizing campaigns
Campaigns A summary of the campaigns within an account.
ConversationMessages Messages from a specific conversation. Conversation tracking is a feature available to paid accounts that lets you view replies to your campaigns from inside your MailChimp account.
EcommerceCartLines A list of an ecommerce cart's lines.
EcommerceCarts A list of an account's ecommerce carts.
EcommerceCustomers A list of an account's ecommerce customers.
EcommerceOrderLines A list of an ecommerce order's lines.
EcommerceOrders A list of an account's ecommerce orders.
EcommerceProducts A list of an account's ecommerce products.
EcommerceProductVariants A list of an ecommerce product's variants.
FileManagerFiles A listing of all avaialable images and files within an account's gallery.
FileManagerFolders A listing of all avaialable folders within an account's gallery.
ListInterestCategories A listing of this list's interest categories.
ListInterests A list of this category's interests
ListMemberEvents Events information for a specific list.
ListMemberNotes The last 10 notes for a specific list member, based on date created.
ListMembers Individuals who are currently or have been previously suscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.
ListMemberTags Tags assigned to a certain member/members.
ListMergeFields The merge field (formerly merge vars) for a given list. These correspond to merge fields in MailChimp's lists and subscriber profiles.
Lists A collection of subscriber lists associated with this account. Lists contain subscribers who have opted-in to receive correspondence from you or your organization.
ListSegmentMembers Individuals who are currently or have been previously suscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.
ListSegments A list of available segments.
ListsWebhooks Webhooks configured for the given list.
TemplateFolders Folders for organizing templates
Templates A list an account's available templates.

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Build 23.0.8839