FireDAC Components for Mailchimp

Build 23.0.8839


Individuals who are currently or have been previously suscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.

Table Specific Information

SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE are supported for ListSegmentMembers.


Select * from ListSegmentMembers
Select * from ListSegmentMembers where ListId = '5152'
Select * from ListSegmentMembers where SegmentId = '2623'


The Name and ListID are required for INSERTs.

INSERT into ListSegmentMembers (EmailAddress,ListId,SegmentId) values ('[email protected]','44a64c46cb','7032720')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The MD5 hash of the list member's email address.

EmailAddress String False

Email address for a subscriber.

UniqueEmailId [KEY] String True

An identifier for the address across all of MailChimp.

EmailType String True

Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text').

Status String True

Subscriber's current status ('subscribed', 'unsubscribed', 'cleaned', or 'pending').

StatusIfNew String True

Subscriber's status ('subscribed', 'unsubscribed', 'cleaned', or 'pending'), to be used only on a PUT request if the email is not already present on the list.

Interests String True

The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question.

Stats_AvgOpenRate Double True

A subscriber's average open rate.

Stats_AvgClickRate Double True

A subscriber's average clickthrough rate.

IpSignup String True

IP address the subscriber signed up from.

TimestampSignup Datetime True

Date and time the subscriber signed up for the list.

IpOpt String True

IP address the subscriber confirmed their opt-in status.

TimestampOpt Datetime True

Date and time the subscribe confirmed their opt-in status.

MemberRating Integer True

Star rating for this member between 1 and 5.

LastChanged Datetime True

Date and time the member's info was last changed.

Language String True

If set/detected, the language of the subscriber.

Vip Boolean True

VIP status for subscriber.

EmailClient String True

The email client the address as using.

Location_Latitude Double True

Location_Longitude Double True

Location_Gmtoff Integer True

Location_Dstoff Integer True

Location_CountryCode String True

Location_Timezone String True

LastNote_NoteId Integer True

The note's ID.

LastNote_CreatedAt String True

The date the note was created.

LastNote_CreatedBy String True

The author of the note.

LastNote_Note String True

The content of the note.

ListId [KEY] String False

The id for the list.

SegmentId [KEY] String False

The id for the segment.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839