The connector models the data in SugarCRM as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
CData Tableau Connector for SugarCRM Tables
Name | Description |
Accounts | The Accounts table. |
ACLRoles | The ACLRoles table. |
ArchiveRuns | The ArchiveRuns table. |
Bugs | The Bugs table. |
BusinessCenters | The BusinessCenters table. |
Calendar | The Calendar table. |
Calls | The Calls table. |
CampaignLog | The CampaignLog table. |
Campaigns | The Campaigns table. |
CampaignTrackers | The CampaignTrackers table. |
Cases | The Cases table. |
Categories | The Categories table. |
ChangeTimers | The ChangeTimers table. |
CJ_Forms | The CJ_Forms table. |
CJ_WebHooks | The CJ_WebHooks table. |
CloudDrivePaths | The CloudDrivePaths table. |
CommentLog | The CommentLog table. |
Comments | The Comments table. |
ConsoleConfiguration | The ConsoleConfiguration table. |
Contacts | The Contacts table. |
Contracts | The Contracts table. |
ContractTypes | The ContractTypes table. |
Currencies | The Currencies table. |
CustomQueries | The CustomQueries table. |
Dashboards | The Dashboards table. |
DataArchiver | The DataArchiver table. |
DataPrivacy | The DataPrivacy table. |
DataSets | The DataSets table. |
DocumentMerges | The DocumentMerges table. |
DocumentRevisions | The DocumentRevisions table. |
Documents | The Documents table. |
DocumentTemplates | The DocumentTemplates table. |
DocuSignEnvelopes | The DocuSignEnvelopes table. |
DRI_SubWorkflows | The DRI_SubWorkflows table. |
DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates | The DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates table. |
DRI_Workflows | The DRI_Workflows table. |
DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates | The DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates table. |
DRI_Workflow_Templates | The DRI_Workflow_Templates table. |
EAPM | The EAPM table. |
EmailAddresses | The EmailAddresses table. |
EmailMarketing | The EmailMarketing table. |
EmailParticipants | The EmailParticipants table. |
Emails | The Emails table. |
EmailTemplates | The EmailTemplates table. |
EmbeddedFiles | The EmbeddedFiles table. |
Employees | The Employees table. |
Escalations | The Escalations table. |
ExternalUsers | The ExternalUsers table. |
Filters | The Filters table. |
ForecastManagerWorksheets | The ForecastManagerWorksheets table. |
Forecasts | The Forecasts table. |
ForecastWorksheets | The ForecastWorksheets table. |
Geocode | The Geocode table. |
HintAccountsets | The HintAccountsets table. |
HintEnrichFieldConfigs | The HintEnrichFieldConfigs table. |
HintNewsNotifications | The HintNewsNotifications table. |
HintNotificationTargets | The HintNotificationTargets table. |
Holidays | The Holidays table. |
InboundEmail | The InboundEmail table. |
KBArticles | The KBArticles table. |
KBContents | The KBContents table. |
KBContentTemplates | The KBContentTemplates table. |
KBDocuments | The KBDocuments table. |
Leads | The Leads table. |
Manufacturers | The Manufacturers table. |
Meetings | The Meetings table. |
Messages | The Messages table. |
Metrics | The Metrics table. |
MobileDevices | The MobileDevices table. |
Notes | The Notes table. |
Notifications | The Notifications table. |
OAuthKeys | The OAuthKeys table. |
OAuthTokens | The OAuthTokens table. |
Opportunities | The Opportunities table. |
OutboundEmail | The OutboundEmail table. |
PdfManager | The PdfManager table. |
pmse_Business_Rules | The pmse_Business_Rules table. |
pmse_Emails_Templates | The pmse_Emails_Templates table. |
pmse_Inbox | The pmse_Inbox table. |
pmse_Project | The pmse_Project table. |
ProductBundleNotes | The ProductBundleNotes table. |
ProductBundles | The ProductBundles table. |
ProductCategories | The ProductCategories table. |
Products | The Products table. |
ProductTemplates | The ProductTemplates table. |
ProductTypes | The ProductTypes table. |
Project | The Project table. |
ProjectTask | The ProjectTask table. |
ProspectLists | The ProspectLists table. |
PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs | The PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs table. |
PurchasedLineItems | The PurchasedLineItems table. |
Purchases | The Purchases table. |
PushNotifications | The PushNotifications table. |
Quotas | The Quotas table. |
Quotes | The Quotes table. |
Releases | The Releases table. |
ReportMaker | The ReportMaker table. |
Reports | The Reports table. |
ReportSchedules | The ReportSchedules table. |
RevenueLineItems | The RevenueLineItems table. |
SavedSearch | The SavedSearch table. |
Schedulers | The Schedulers table. |
ShiftExceptions | The ShiftExceptions table. |
Shifts | The Shifts table. |
Shippers | The Shippers table. |
Styleguide | The Styleguide table. |
Subscriptions | The Subscriptions table. |
SugarFavorites | The SugarFavorites table. |
SugarLive | The SugarLive table. |
Tags | The Tags table. |
Tasks | The Tasks table. |
TaxRates | The TaxRates table. |
TeamNotices | The TeamNotices table. |
Teams | The Teams table. |
TimePeriods | The TimePeriods table. |
TrackerPerfs | The TrackerPerfs table. |
TrackerQueries | The TrackerQueries table. |
Trackers | The Trackers table. |
TrackerSessions | The TrackerSessions table. |
Users | The Users table. |
UserSignatures | The UserSignatures table. |
VisualPipeline | The VisualPipeline table. |
WebLogicHooks | The WebLogicHooks table. |
WorkFlow | The WorkFlow table. |
The connector can also expose custom modules on your SugarCRM account that are not mentioned in the Tables. You can query against these custom modules as with any other table. Additionally, you can query against custom fields of standard modules.