本製品 はSugarCRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData JDBC Driver for SugarCRM テーブル
Name | Description |
Accounts | The Accounts table. |
ACLRoles | The ACLRoles table. |
ArchiveRuns | The ArchiveRuns table. |
Bugs | The Bugs table. |
BusinessCenters | The BusinessCenters table. |
Calendar | The Calendar table. |
Calls | The Calls table. |
CampaignLog | The CampaignLog table. |
Campaigns | The Campaigns table. |
CampaignTrackers | The CampaignTrackers table. |
Cases | The Cases table. |
Categories | The Categories table. |
ChangeTimers | The ChangeTimers table. |
CJ_Forms | The CJ_Forms table. |
CJ_WebHooks | The CJ_WebHooks table. |
CloudDrivePaths | The CloudDrivePaths table. |
CommentLog | The CommentLog table. |
Comments | The Comments table. |
ConsoleConfiguration | The ConsoleConfiguration table. |
Contacts | The Contacts table. |
Contracts | The Contracts table. |
ContractTypes | The ContractTypes table. |
Currencies | The Currencies table. |
CustomQueries | The CustomQueries table. |
Dashboards | The Dashboards table. |
DataArchiver | The DataArchiver table. |
DataPrivacy | The DataPrivacy table. |
DataSets | The DataSets table. |
DocumentMerges | The DocumentMerges table. |
DocumentRevisions | The DocumentRevisions table. |
Documents | The Documents table. |
DocumentTemplates | The DocumentTemplates table. |
DocuSignEnvelopes | The DocuSignEnvelopes table. |
DRI_SubWorkflows | The DRI_SubWorkflows table. |
DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates | The DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates table. |
DRI_Workflows | The DRI_Workflows table. |
DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates | The DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates table. |
DRI_Workflow_Templates | The DRI_Workflow_Templates table. |
EAPM | The EAPM table. |
EmailAddresses | The EmailAddresses table. |
EmailMarketing | The EmailMarketing table. |
EmailParticipants | The EmailParticipants table. |
Emails | The Emails table. |
EmailTemplates | The EmailTemplates table. |
EmbeddedFiles | The EmbeddedFiles table. |
Employees | The Employees table. |
Escalations | The Escalations table. |
ExternalUsers | The ExternalUsers table. |
Filters | The Filters table. |
ForecastManagerWorksheets | The ForecastManagerWorksheets table. |
Forecasts | The Forecasts table. |
ForecastWorksheets | The ForecastWorksheets table. |
Geocode | The Geocode table. |
HintAccountsets | The HintAccountsets table. |
HintEnrichFieldConfigs | The HintEnrichFieldConfigs table. |
HintNewsNotifications | The HintNewsNotifications table. |
HintNotificationTargets | The HintNotificationTargets table. |
Holidays | The Holidays table. |
InboundEmail | The InboundEmail table. |
KBArticles | The KBArticles table. |
KBContents | The KBContents table. |
KBContentTemplates | The KBContentTemplates table. |
KBDocuments | The KBDocuments table. |
Leads | The Leads table. |
Manufacturers | The Manufacturers table. |
Meetings | The Meetings table. |
Messages | The Messages table. |
Metrics | The Metrics table. |
MobileDevices | The MobileDevices table. |
Notes | The Notes table. |
Notifications | The Notifications table. |
OAuthKeys | The OAuthKeys table. |
OAuthTokens | The OAuthTokens table. |
Opportunities | The Opportunities table. |
OutboundEmail | The OutboundEmail table. |
PdfManager | The PdfManager table. |
pmse_Business_Rules | The pmse_Business_Rules table. |
pmse_Emails_Templates | The pmse_Emails_Templates table. |
pmse_Inbox | The pmse_Inbox table. |
pmse_Project | The pmse_Project table. |
ProductBundleNotes | The ProductBundleNotes table. |
ProductBundles | The ProductBundles table. |
ProductCategories | The ProductCategories table. |
Products | The Products table. |
ProductTemplates | The ProductTemplates table. |
ProductTypes | The ProductTypes table. |
Project | The Project table. |
ProjectTask | The ProjectTask table. |
ProspectLists | The ProspectLists table. |
PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs | The PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs table. |
PurchasedLineItems | The PurchasedLineItems table. |
Purchases | The Purchases table. |
PushNotifications | The PushNotifications table. |
Quotas | The Quotas table. |
Quotes | The Quotes table. |
Releases | The Releases table. |
ReportMaker | The ReportMaker table. |
Reports | The Reports table. |
ReportSchedules | The ReportSchedules table. |
RevenueLineItems | The RevenueLineItems table. |
SavedSearch | The SavedSearch table. |
Schedulers | The Schedulers table. |
ShiftExceptions | The ShiftExceptions table. |
Shifts | The Shifts table. |
Shippers | The Shippers table. |
Styleguide | The Styleguide table. |
Subscriptions | The Subscriptions table. |
SugarFavorites | The SugarFavorites table. |
SugarLive | The SugarLive table. |
Tags | The Tags table. |
Tasks | The Tasks table. |
TaxRates | The TaxRates table. |
TeamNotices | The TeamNotices table. |
Teams | The Teams table. |
TimePeriods | The TimePeriods table. |
TrackerPerfs | The TrackerPerfs table. |
TrackerQueries | The TrackerQueries table. |
Trackers | The Trackers table. |
TrackerSessions | The TrackerSessions table. |
Users | The Users table. |
UserSignatures | The UserSignatures table. |
VisualPipeline | The VisualPipeline table. |
WebLogicHooks | The WebLogicHooks table. |
WorkFlow | The WorkFlow table. |
本製品 は、テーブル に記載されていないSugarCRM アカウントにもカスタムモジュールを公開できます。普通のテーブルと同様に、このカスタムモジュールに対してクエリを実行できます。さらに、標準モジュールのカスタムフィールドをクエリすることができます。