Typical Customizations

Version 22.0.8500

Typical Customizations

Version 22.0.8500

The resources for your data source are defined in simple, text-based schemas that are easy to extend. This section describes some often-used modifications. To edit a schema, click Settings -> Resources and click the edit button for the resource you want to modify.

Remove a Column

Deleting an attr element from api:info will remove the column from the resource. This means that your APIs will not list the column; also, your cache will not contain the column. Note that it is important to delete the entire XML element for the column that you want to remove.

Change a Column’s Data Type

To change a column’s data type, change the xs:type attribute to one of the following supported data types:

  • string
  • datetime
  • boolean
  • int
  • long
  • double

Rename a Resource Column

To rename a resource column, add an attribute named “alias” containing the new column name. Note that you cannot change the name attribute. This value must remain consistent for the API Server to maintain the mapping to the correct column in the underlying data source.

The example below renames the Type column to APIsType:

<attr name="Type" alias="APIsType" xs:type="string" columnsize="40" readonly="True" key="False" />

Rename a Resource

You can rename a resource by changing the name of the resource’s .rsd file in the api subfolder of the application root. Note that the title attribute in api:info must remain the same as the name of the table in the underlying data source.

Change the Data Source Connection

You can use the connection attribute in api:info to change the connection for any given resource. This makes it easy to switch from a sandbox to a production instance.

Any changes you make to the connection in the administration console are picked up by all resources that reference the same connection in api:info.

<api:info title="case" description="Create, Update, Query, and Delete the SQLite Cars database." connection="SQLiteCars">