SSIS Components for Reckon

Build 24.0.9111


Create, update, delete, and query Reckon Vendor Types.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier of the vendor type.

Name String False

The name of the vendor type.

FullName String False

The name of the vendor type.

IsActive Boolean False

Boolean determining if the vendor type is active.

ParentRef_FullName String False


Full name of the parent for the vendor type. You may specify only ParentRef_FullName or ParentRef_ListId on INSERT/UPDATE statements and not both.

ParentRef_ListId String False


Id for the parent of the vendor type. You may specify only ParentRef_FullName or ParentRef_ListId on INSERT/UPDATE statements and not both.

Sublevel Integer True

How many parents the vendor type has.

EditSequence String True

A string indicating the revision of the payment method.

TimeCreated Datetime True

The time the vendor type was created.

TimeModified Datetime True

The last time the vendor type was modified.

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Build 24.0.9111