ODBC Driver for Snapchat Ads

Build 22.0.8462


Views are composed of columns and pseudo columns. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Often, a stored procedure is available to update the data if such functionality is applicable to the data source.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.

Dynamic views, such as queries exposed as views, and views for looking up specific combinations of project_team work items are supported.

CData ODBC Driver for Snapchat Ads Views

Name Description
AccountStats Lists the spend metric for the specified Ad Account.
Ads Lists all ads within a specified ad account.
AdSquads Lists all ad squads within a specified ad account.
AdSquadStats Lists all ad squad stats.
AdStats Lists all ad stats.
AdvancedDemographics Lists all Advanced Demographics targeting options.
AudienceInsights Lists all audience insights based on the targeting options.
CampaignStats Lists all campaign stats.
Creatives Retrieves all creatives associated with an ad account
DemographicsAgeGroups Lists all age group targeting options.
DemographicsGender Lists all gender targeting options.
DemographicsLanguages Lists all language targeting options.
DeviceCarriers Lists all device carrier targeting options.
DeviceConnectionTypes Lists all device connection type targeting options.
DeviceMakes Lists all device make targeting options.
DeviceOSTypes Lists all device OS type targeting options.
DeviceOSVersions Lists all device OS version targeting options.
FundingSources Lists all funding sources for the specified Organization.
GeolocationCountries Lists all country targeting options.
GeolocationMetros Lists all metro/dma targeting options.
GeolocationRegions Lists all region/state targeting options.
GeolocationZipCodes Lists all of zipcode targeting options.
Invoices Lists all invoices for a given Ad Account.
LocationCategories Lists all location categories.
NielsenInterests Lists all Nielsen Interests targeting options.
OracleDatalogixInterests Lists all Oracle Datalogix Interests targeting options.
Organizations Lists all the organizations where the authenticated user has access.
PlacedVisitationSegmentsInterests Lists all interest targeting based on Placed Visitation Segments.
SnapLifeStyleCategoriesInterests Lists all Snap Lifestyle Categories targeting options.

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Build 22.0.8462