このテーブルは、推奨されるOptimizations に関する情報を提供します。
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Optimization ID |
| string | Materialization type of this optimization |
| string | Match descriptor |
| biginteger | Frequency of this optimization |
| boolean | Flag to signal if the optimization is enabled or not |
| string | Prefix used for the set of materialized tables associated with this optimization |
| string | State of the source tables |
| string | Reason why the source state is |
| string | State of the analytical storage schema |
| string | Reason why the analytical storage state is |
| string | State of the last replication task |
| string | Reason why the last replication execution failed. If the state is OK, the value of this field should be null |
| string | Possible state of the next select query execution |
| string | Possible state of the next replicator execution |
| timestamp | Timestamp when the corresponding query was last executed |
| timestamp | Timestamp when the optimization was last materialized |
| string | *** |
| string | *** |
| string | Optimization UUID |
column in SYSADMIN.RecommendedOptimizations
is available since v4.1
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Symbol ID |
| biginteger | ID of the associated optimization |
| string | Actual symbol or expression (e.g. |
| string | Optimization symbol type (e.g. |
| string | Aggregation function (e.g. |
| string | Alias of the symbol used in the materialized table (e.g. |
このテーブルは、Recommended Indexes に関する情報を提供します。
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | Index ID |
| string | Column name |
| string | Index type (e.g. |
| string | *** |
| biginteger | *** |
| string | *** |
| biginteger | ID of the associated optimization |
| biginteger | ID of the parent optimization (in case of |
Column Name | Type | Description |
| biginteger | ID of the materialized table |
| biginteger | ID of the associated recommended optimization |
| string | Materialized table name |
| string | Materialization type (e.g. |
| string | State of the materialized table during the replication process (e.g. |
| timestamp | Timestamp when the materialized table was created |
| timestamp | Timestamp when the materialized table was last modified |