このプロシージャは、SFTP サーバーからファイルをダウンロードします。

IN sftp_user string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'username'),
IN sftp_password string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'password ( not needed if key based auth is used )'),
IN sftp_server string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'hostname or IP-address of the sftp server'),
IN sftp_port integer OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '[OPTIONAL] if NULL or omitted it defaults to 22'),
IN file_datasource string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'the datasource name, where the files should be downloaded to '),
IN file_name string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '[Optional] filename of the file which is stored in the datasource ( if NULL, or omitted the source filename is used )'),
IN file_sftp_directory string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'source folder on the sftp server, where the file to be downloaded is located'),
IN file_sftp_filename string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'source filename '),
IN sftp_private_key string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'private key ( not needed password auth is used )')
RETURNS ( "status" string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'download status') ) OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'download files from a sftp server')