CData Virtuality インストール間の移行が必要な場合、またはデータソース、ジョブ、設定などのバックアップが必要な場合は、特別なエクスポートスクリプトを使用することができます。CData Virtuality Studio のExporter コンポーネント、またはCData Virtuality Server 内のCLI-Exporter ツールで生成できます。
バックアップジョブは、いつでも最新のバックアップを取得できるように、定期的にエクスポートスクリプトを作成するようにスケジュールできるシステムジョブです。バックアップジョブは、特別なシステムユーザ - internal-backup
Default Backup Job
- 毎日午前5時50分(CData Virtuality Server 時間)に実行されます;
- エクスポートスクリプトは、サーバールートフォルダのbackup ディレクトリに保存されます。
Custom Backup Jobs
システム手順を使用して、追加のバックアップジョブを作成できます。これらは編集や削除が可能で、すべての設定は で設定可能です。
Creating a Custom Backup Job
カスタムバックアップジョブを作成するためのシステム機能は以下のとおりです。 backupFolder
=> integer_parallelRunsAllowed,
=> integer_retryCounter,
=> integer_retryDelay,
=> integer_runTimeout,
=> boolean_exportMattables,
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
parameter in SYSADMIN.createBackupJob
depricated since v4.10
Parameter | Type | Description |
| string | Description of the job |
| integer | Number of possible parallel runs allowed for the job |
| integer | Number of retry attempts for the job |
| integer | Delay between retries |
| integer | Job run timeout |
| string | Custom name for the job |
| string | Deprecated. Relative or absolute path to the cli-export.jar. Default: |
| boolean | Flag indicating whether to export materialized tables |
| string | Relative or absolute path to the folder to store export scripts |
| string | Pattern to be used in file naming. Default: May include the following patterns:
| key-value pairs | Additional properties of the CLI-exporter tool |
| string | Custom UUID for the job |
'A custom backup job'
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
parameter in SYSADMIN.createBackupJob
is available since v4.1
parameter in SYSADMIN.createBackupJob
deprecated since v4.10
Editing a Backup Job
バックアップ・ジョブ(デフォルトとカスタムの両方)は、特別なシステム手順で編集できます。 biginteger_jobid
=> biginteger_jobid,
=> integer_parallelRunsAllowed,
=> integer_retryCounter,
=> integer_retryDelay,
=> integer_runTimeout,
=> boolean_exportMattables,
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Parameter | Type | Description |
| integer | ID of the job to be edited |
| string | Description of the job |
| integer | Number of possible parallel runs allowed for the job* |
| integer | Number of retry attempts for the job* |
| integer | Delay between retries* |
| integer | Job run timeout* |
| string | Custom name for the job |
| string | Depricated. Relative or absolute path to the cli-export.jar. Default: |
| boolean | Flag indicating whether to export materialized tables |
| string | Relative or absolute path to the folder to store export scripts |
| string | Pattern to be used in file naming. Default: May include the following patterns:
| key-value pairs | Additional properties of the CLI-exporter tool |
| string | UUID of the job to be edited |
or jobUuid
parameter must be specified.* 詳細はparameters shared by job managing proceduresをご覧ください。
=> 8,
'A custom backup job'
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
parameter in SYSADMIN.editBackupJob
is available since v4.4
Additional Properties
To view the full table, click the expand button in its top right corner
Option | Default | Description |
| Indicates whether to skip aggregation optimizations or not |
| Indicates whether to validate data sources on import or not. If enabled, data sources are exported with Please note that the import will fail if validation is enabled and data source is unreachable |
| Indicates whether to validate optimizations on import or not. If enabled, optimizations are exported with Please note that it's impossible to export materialized tables state if this validation is enabled |
| Indicates whether to export the state of materialized tables or not. Used when new CData Virtuality Server installation uses the same internal Analytical Storage database with materialized tables. Please note that this option requires the optimization validation to be disabled |
| Indicates whether to validate virtual views and procedures on import or not. If enabled, virtual views and procedures are exported by printing definitions directly to export script or wrapping with |
| Indicates whether to run export in maintenance server mode |
| Indicates whether to purge the system data or not. If enabled, adds the script to purge the existing data at the beginning of the export script. With this option the following objects will be purged: |
| Indicates whether to use a different file for model export or not. If enabled, separate files will be used for the export of data sources, virtual schemas with views and procedures and the rest |
| Indicates whether to export JBoss settings or not. If enabled, JBoss settings are exported to separate files |