Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData Python Connector for WooCommerce Views
Name | Description |
Continents | Retrieve continents. |
Countries | Retrieve countries. |
Currencies | Retrieve available currencies. |
CustomerMetadata | Retrieve the metadata for each customer. |
OrderCouponLines | Retrieve the coupon lines for an order. |
OrderFeeLines | Retrieve the fee lines for an order. |
OrderRefundLineItems | Retrieve the line items for a refund. |
OrderShippingLines | Retrieve the shipping lines for an order. |
OrderTaxLines | Retrieve the tax lines for an order. |
ProductAttributes | Retrieve product attributes. |
ProductCategories | Retrieve product categories. |
ProductImages | Retrieve images for a product. |
SalesReport | Executes a Sales report. |
SettingGroups | Retrieve settings groups. |
ShippingLocations | Retrieve shipping zone locations. |
ShippingMethods | Retrieve shipping methods. |
States | Retrieve shipping states. |
SystemStatus | Retrieve system status items. |
SystemStatusPages | Retrieve and system status items. |
SystemStatusTools | Retrieve system status tools. |
TopSellersReports | Execute a top sellers report. |
TotalsReport | Execute a totals report. |