Cmdlets for WooCommerce

Build 24.0.9062




CData Cmdlets PowerShell Module for WooCommerce ビュー

Name Description
Continents Retrieve continents.
Countries Retrieve countries.
Currencies Retrieve available currencies.
CustomerMetadata Retrieve the metadata for each customer.
OrderCouponLines Retrieve the coupon lines for an order.
OrderFeeLines Retrieve the fee lines for an order.
OrderRefundLineItems Retrieve the line items for a refund.
OrderShippingLines Retrieve the shipping lines for an order.
OrderTaxLines Retrieve the tax lines for an order.
ProductAttributes Retrieve product attributes.
ProductCategories Retrieve product categories.
ProductImages Retrieve images for a product.
SalesReport Executes a Sales report.
SettingGroups Retrieve settings groups.
ShippingLocations Retrieve shipping zone locations.
ShippingMethods Retrieve shipping methods.
States Retrieve shipping states.
SystemStatus Retrieve system status items.
SystemStatusPages Retrieve and system status items.
SystemStatusTools Retrieve system status tools.
TopSellersReports Execute a top sellers report.
TotalsReport Execute a totals report.

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Build 24.0.9062