本製品 はWooCommerce のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData ODBC Driver for WooCommerce テーブル
Name | Description |
Attributes | Retrieve and modify product attributes. |
Categories | Retrieve product categories. |
Coupons | Retrieve and modify coupons. |
Customers | Retrieve and modify customers. |
OrderLineItems | Add, update and view the line items for an order. |
OrderNotes | Retrieve and modify the notes for an order. |
OrderRefunds | Retrieve and modify order refunds. |
Orders | Retrieve and modify orders. |
PaymentGateways | Retrieve and modify payment gateways. |
ProductAttributeTerms | Retrieve the terms for an attribute. |
ProductReviews | Retrieve and modify products reviews. |
Products | Retrieve and modify products. |
ProductShippingClasses | Retrieve and modify product shipping classes. |
ProductTags | Retrieve and modify product tags. |
ProductVariations | Retrieve and modify product variations. |
SettingOptions | View and manage settings options. |
ShippingZoneMethods | Retrieve and modify shipping zone methods. |
ShippingZones | Retrieve and modify shipping zones. |
TaxClasses | Retrieve and modify tax classes. |
TaxRates | Retrieve and modify tax rates. |
Webhooks | Retrieve and modify webhooks. |