Retrieve system status items.
Table Specific Information
This table represents a singleton entity.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ActivePluginsAggregate | String | Active plugins. | |
PagesAggregate | String | WooCommerce pages. | |
EnvironmentHomeUrl | String | Home URL. | |
EnvironmentSiteUrl | String | Site URL. | |
EnvironmentWcVersion | String | WooCommerce version. | |
EnvironmentLogDirectory | String | Log directory. | |
EnvironmentLogDirectoryWritable | Boolean | Is log directory writable? read-only | |
EnvironmentWpVersion | String | WordPress version. | |
EnvironmentWpMultisite | Boolean | Is WordPress multisite? read-only | |
EnvironmentWpMemoryLimit | Integer | WordPress memory limit. | |
EnvironmentWpDebugMode | Boolean | Is WordPress debug mode active? read-only | |
EnvironmentWpCron | Boolean | Are WordPress cron jobs enabled? read-only | |
EnvironmentLanguage | String | WordPress language. | |
EnvironmentServerInfo | String | Server info. | |
EnvironmentPhpVersion | String | PHP version. | |
EnvironmentPhpPostMaxSize | Integer | PHP post max size. | |
EnvironmentPhpMaxExecutionTime | Integer | PHP max execution time. | |
EnvironmentPhpMaxInputVars | Integer | PHP max input vars. | |
EnvironmentCurlVersion | String | cURL version. | |
EnvironmentSuhosinInstalled | Boolean | Is SUHOSIN installed? read-only | |
EnvironmentMaxUploadSize | Integer | Max upload size. | |
EnvironmentMysqlVersion | String | MySQL version. | |
EnvironmentDefaultTimezone | String | Default timezone. | |
EnvironmentFsockopenOrCurlEnabled | Boolean | Is fsockopen/cURL enabled? read-only | |
EnvironmentSoapclientEnabled | Boolean | Is SoapClient class enabled? read-only | |
EnvironmentDomdocumentEnabled | Boolean | Is DomDocument class enabled? read-only | |
EnvironmentGzipEnabled | Boolean | Is GZip enabled? read-only | |
EnvironmentMbstringEnabled | Boolean | Is mbstring enabled? read-only | |
EnvironmentRemotePostSuccessful | Boolean | Remote POST successful? read-only | |
EnvironmentRemotePostResponse | String | Remote POST response. | |
EnvironmentRemoteGetSuccessful | Boolean | Remote GET successful? read-only | |
EnvironmentRemoteGetResponse | String | Remote GET response. | |
DatabaseWcDatabaseVersion | String | WC database version. | |
DatabasePrefix | String | Database prefix. | |
DatabaseMaxmindGeoipDatabase | String | MaxMind GeoIP database. | |
DatabaseTablesAggregate | String | Database tables. | |
ThemeName | String | Theme name. | |
ThemeVersion | String | Theme version. | |
ThemeVersionLatest | String | Latest version of theme. | |
ThemeAuthorUrl | String | Theme author URL. | |
ThemeIsChildTheme | Boolean | Is this theme a child theme? read-only | |
ThemeHasWoocommerceSupport | Boolean | Does the theme declare WooCommerce support? read-only | |
ThemeHasWoocommerceFile | Boolean | Does the theme have a woocommerce.php file? read-only | |
ThemeHasOutdatedTemplates | Boolean | Does this theme have outdated templates? read-only | |
ThemeOverridesAggregate | String | Template overrides. | |
ThemeParentName | String | Parent theme name. | |
ThemeParentVersion | String | Parent theme version. | |
ThemeParentAuthorUrl | String | Parent theme author URL. | |
SettingsApiEnabled | Boolean | REST API enabled? read-only | |
SettingsForceSsl | Boolean | SSL forced? read-only | |
SettingsCurrency | String | Currency. | |
SettingsCurrencySymbol | String | Currency symbol. | |
SettingsCurrencyPosition | String | Currency position. | |
SettingsThousandSeparator | String | Thousand separator. | |
SettingsDecimalSeparator | String | Decimal separator. | |
SettingsNumberOfDecimals | Integer | Number of decimals. | |
SettingsGeolocationEnabled | Boolean | Geolocation enabled? read-only | |
SettingsTaxonomiesAggregate | String | Taxonomy terms for product/order statuses. | |
SecuritySecureConnection | Boolean | Is the connection to your store secure? read-only | |
SecurityHideErrors | Boolean | Hide errors from visitors? read-only |