ADO.NET Provider for WooCommerce

Build 24.0.8963


The provider models the data in WooCommerce as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData ADO.NET Provider for WooCommerce Tables

Name Description
Attributes Retrieve and modify product attributes.
Categories Retrieve product categories.
Coupons Retrieve and modify coupons.
Customers Retrieve and modify customers.
OrderLineItems Add, update and view the line items for an order.
OrderNotes Retrieve and modify the notes for an order.
OrderRefunds Retrieve and modify order refunds.
Orders Retrieve and modify orders.
PaymentGateways Retrieve and modify payment gateways.
ProductAttributeTerms Retrieve the terms for an attribute.
ProductReviews Retrieve and modify products reviews.
Products Retrieve and modify products.
ProductShippingClasses Retrieve and modify product shipping classes.
ProductTags Retrieve and modify product tags.
ProductVariations Retrieve and modify product variations.
SettingOptions View and manage settings options.
ShippingZoneMethods Retrieve and modify shipping zone methods.
ShippingZones Retrieve and modify shipping zones.
TaxClasses Retrieve and modify tax classes.
TaxRates Retrieve and modify tax rates.
Webhooks Retrieve and modify webhooks.

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Build 24.0.8963